UC Berkeley News



27 April 2005

May 2 ceremony to honor Calvin Moore for faculty service

The first Berkeley Faculty Service Award will be presented to Mathematics Professor Emeritus Calvin C. Moore at a Senate ceremony and reception on Monday, May 2, to honor his longstanding commitment to the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate and to the university.

The Senate established the award in 2004 to honor a faculty member who has given exemplary, outstanding, and dedicated service to the Berkeley campus.

Bob Buchanan, chair of the Senate Committee on Faculty Awards, which oversees the award, wrote in his nomination letter: "Professor Emeritus Calvin C. Moore . has shown unstinting commitment and dedication to the campus and the University.. [He] represents, at the highest level, the reason the Senate established this award."

Moore chaired the Senate's Committee on Admissions, Enrollment, and Preparatory Education (AEPE), which has been instrumental in shaping the campus's comprehensive-review process for undergraduate admissions. As a five-year member of the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS), a systemwide committee, he helped forge the universitywide transition to comprehensive review. As chair of the BOARS subcommittee on standardized testing, he was instrumental in persuading the College Board to revise the SAT. Currently, he chairs the Berkeley Division's Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (CAPRA), where he has expanded the Senate's role in setting campus budgetary priorities.

Moore joined the Berkeley faculty as an assistant professor in 1961, rising quickly to full professor five years later. In 1968, he became vice chair of the math department, leading to numerous administrative and faculty committee appointments over the succeeding years.

Although officially retiring from teaching in 2004, Moore remains involved in several important faculty committees. By virtue of his position as CAPRA chair, Moore sits on the Chancellor's Space Assignment and Capital Improvements committee, which oversees the use of existing campus space, and sets priorities for capital improvements. Representing the Senate on the Chancellor's Memorial Stadium Advisory Committee, he helped craft the concept for the stadium project which sets the direction for the upgrades, renovations, and design improvements in the southeast quadrant of campus.

CASE honors Berkeleyan for staff writing

The Berkeleyan has been named a winner in the 2005 Circle of Excellence Awards sponsored by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education in Washington, D.C. A bronze medal in the category "Periodical Staff Writing" was awarded on the strength of five submitted articles from our 2004 coverage: "We're #2 (now what?)," about Berkeley's ranking as the second-best university worldwide by the Times Higher Education Supplement in Great Britain (Dec. 1); "Doing his best in the space between life and death," a profile of School of Public Health Professor Guy Micco (Dec. 8); "Chain reaction," a look at the response to a study by two campus researchers on the economic impact of Wal-Mart employees' reliance on public support (Aug. 26); "Bringing sociology home," on the developing discipline of "public sociology" at Berkeley (Sept. 30); and "All hail, periwinkle and tangerine?" - an April Fools exercise that strove to persuade readers that the campus was about to discard its traditional blue-and-gold color scheme (April 1).

Wrote the judges about the Berkeleyan's efforts: "How refreshing it is . to discover a brassy, assertive publication that breaks free from a stultifying form with highly professional reporting and journalism . solid accounts of engaging scholarship . and, most thrilling of all, humor. One judge characterized this as the publication from another campus he would most like to subscribe to, and all joined in saluting the staff for taking the risks, and their bosses for letting this flower blossom in the arid concrete of the house organ. We imagine this is the most avidly read publication of its type anywhere today."

No gold medal was awarded by CASE in the staff-writing category; two silvers were awarded to four-color magazines published by the University of Chicago and UCSF.

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