UC Berkeley News


News Briefs

12 October 2005

Stadium Lot closed for football this Thursday and Friday

Parking in the Stadium Lot west of Memorial Stadium will be closed to permit holders this Thursday and Friday, Oct. 13 and 14, to accommodate the TV broadcast of Saturday's Cal-Oregon State football game.

Alternative parking will be available for C, F, and S permit holders at the Foothill and Berkeley Way lots and the Lower Hearst Parking Structure.

For information on BearTransit connections or parking locations, visit the Parking and Transportation website at pt.berkeley.edu or call its office at 643-7701.

First general flu-shot clinic set for Oct. 28

University Health Services has announced the first of its immunization clinics for this year's flu season. Those at high risk only (as identified by Centers for Disease Control guidelines) may get shots on Thursday, Oct. 13. All adults 18 or older are eligible for the second clinic, on Friday, Oct. 28. Clinics are held from noon to 6 p.m., in the first-floor Class of '42 Room, Tang Center, 2222 Bancroft Way. Future clinics will be announced as soon as the vaccine shipments are confirmed.

For details, visit uhs.berkeley.edu or contact Pam Cameron at pcameron@uhs.berkeley.edu or 642-1814.

Topic of 2006 Hoffer essay contest: "Looking Forward.."

Many competitive prizes are open to Berkeley students; only one - the Lili Fabilli and Eric Hoffer Essay contest - is open to faculty and staff as well. This year's topic is "Looking Forward to Looking Back." In keeping with the rules, essays must be 500 words or less and submitted no later than 4:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 27, 2006. Submit essays in person to prize coordinator Anne Repp in 229 Sproul. Essays are judged on originality of thought and excellence in writing. The Committee on Prizes selects the topic and also awards the prizes, with $3,000 to be divided at the judge's discretion. Last year two staff members and one student were awarded $1,000 each.

Personal cell-phone service and equipment discounts offered to Berkeley employees

Campus employees are eligible for a discount on their cell-phone monthly access charges and equipment for their personal use. The discounts are offered by Verizon, AT&T, and Cingular. Monthly service discounts can be about 17 percent; equipment discounts vary, up to 30 percent. One does not need to be a new customer to sign up; the monthly discount is available on existing plans.

To sign up, contact the business service representative from the company you use. Information on the program, and the cell-phone-provider contact numbers, are found at wireless.berkeley.edu/Employee_Discount.

For additional information, contact Collene Salazar, coordinator of the campus's Communications and Network Services wireless program, at wireless.berkeley.edu, collenes@berkeley.edu, or 643-7000.

Dean sought for L and S Division of Arts & Humanities

Applications and nominations are being accepted through Nov. 10 for the position of dean of Arts and Humanities. The dean is responsible for the administration of the Arts and Humanities Division in the College of Letters and Science, reporting to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The appointment will be effective July 1, 2006, and normally lasts for five years. The search is restricted to full professors at Berkeley.

The Dean of Arts and Humanities has administrative responsibility for 34 units, including regular academic departments, interdisciplinary programs, and instructional-support units. The Arts and Humanities division comprises more autonomous academic units than any other division on campus, currently with 248 FTE, 5,626 students. and a permanent budget of $34 million in state funds. The dean's responsibility encompasses academic and non-academic personnel, teaching, research and operational budgets, diversification and outreach, as well as physical facilities and instructional technology.

Faculty, students, alumni, and staff are encouraged to submit names of potential candidates. Applications and nominations may be sent in writing to the search committee c/o Rita Gardner, 200 California Hall, #1500 or via e-mail to rgardner@berkeley.edu. All nominations and applications will be kept confidential. For more details on the position, see newscenter.berkeley.edu/goto/dean.

Black-faced spoonbills return to campus

The rare and endangered black-faced spoonbill is expected to "land" on campus this Thursday, Oct. 13 - as it has for nearly a decade - near the fountain at College Avenue and Bancroft Way. About 160 of the birds will be on view. The "last great spoonbill migration" is organized annually by College of Environmental Design students and SAVE International (Spoonbill Action Voluntary Echo). The spoonbill sculptures - created by undergraduates studying architecture, landscape architecture, and design - will remain on the green all day. Viewers can vote on their favorite bird (or, for a $25 donation, take it home); juried awards will be announced from 3:30 to 5 p.m.

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