UC Berkeley News


New Briefs

09 November 2005

UC Provost Greenwood resigns;Dynes says investigation underway

M.R.C. Greenwood, the former UC Santa Cruz chancellor appointed UC Provost last year, resigned on Nov. 4. In a release issued that day, UC President Robert Dynes said her resignation came "in the context of a University investigation of possible improper hiring practices and conflict of interest concerns." In addition, UC Vice President for Student Affairs Winston Doby has been placed on administrative leave pending resolution of a question regarding influence he may have had on the hiring of Greenwood's son as a paid intern at UC Merced.

For the full text of President Dynes' statement, see www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/2005/nov04b.html.

Education Abroad Program seeks faculty applications

The UC Education Abroad Program is currently accepting applications for 13 study-center directorships. Academic Senate members (tenured UC faculty, including lecturers with security of employment, and professors emeriti) are eligible to apply.

The deadline for applications is Jan. 17, 2006, at 5 p.m. Visit the UCEAP faculty recruitment web page at eap.ucop.edu/faculty/directorrecruit.htm for detailed information.

Website highlights new California public-policy research

The Institute of Governmental Studies and staff of the IGS Library have created a quick, easy, and informative update on California public-policy research. The new online resource, called the California Policy Inbox (inbox.berkeley.edu), provides links to studies released by academic, nonprofit, and governmental research organizations (with the latest studies appearing at the top of the page). Faculty member Ethan Rarick, acting director of the IGS Center on Politics and longtime California political journalist, pens informative summaries of each of these studies, on topics ranging from immigration and demographics to politics, public finance, health care, education, economy and business, children and families, growth, development, and infrastructure.

Architectural historian to speak on 1906 earthquake

On Wednesday, Nov. 16, Architecture Professor Stephen Tobriner - in the third in a series of seven lectures commemorating the centennial of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake - will speak on "Bracing for Disaster: Engineers, Architects, and the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906." While popular authors have claimed that San Francisco consistently disregarded earthquakes and learned nothing from them, Tobriner, an architectural historian, plans to tell the story of forgotten engineers and architects who designed seismically resistant buildings before and after the 1906 temblor.

Tobriner's lecture is at 7:30 p.m. in 155 Dwinelle. Information on the lecture series, which is jointly sponsored by the Stanford and Berkeley campuses, can be found at seismo.berkeley.edu/1906/quake06lectures.html.

Research space for emeriti subject to new campus policy

A new campus policy, effective Oct. 10, provides guidance on the management of research space for emeritus professors in light of space limitations, increasing pressures on facilities resulting from enrollment growth, and the addition of faculty positions. Each department is required to formulate its own internal policy in accordance with the campuswide policy, which can be found online at campuspol.chance.berkeley.edu/policies/emeritiresearchspace.pdf. Questions may be directed to Professor Cathy Koshland, vice provost for academic planning and facilities, or Thomas Ventresco, assistant director of space management and capital programs.

Secure bike parking available below Recreational Sports Facility garage

The Parking and Transportation department has installed a secure bicycle-parking cage in the RSF underground garage. Parking in the cage is free, and is available for use by UC faculty, staff, students, and other members of the campus community. Secure bicycle-parking facilities are locked and accessible only via a personal access code. The code allows the user to access the bike parking area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To use this resource, complete the secure-bicycle enrollment form (pt.berkeley.edu/forms/SecureBicycleAppForm.pdf), either online or by printing out the form and completing it by hand. There are three ways to submit a completed application form: via campus mail (Attn. Kira Stoll, P&T Administrative Offices, 2150 Kittredge St., 4th Floor, Berkeley, CA 94720, MC 5746); by fax to 643-4677 ("Attn. Kira Stoll"); or in person at the P&T Customer Services Office, 2150 Kittredge St.

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