Career Compass website is launched; HR rolling out new staff job structure
| 06 June 2007
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Human Resources has launched a new website,, to publish information about Career Compass, a set of three linked initiatives focusing on creating new job standards, improving performance management, and providing greater career development opportunities for staff. These initiatives, sponsored by the Staff Infrastructure Steering Committee (SISC), offer far-reaching benefits for Berkeley:
. Supervisors will have standardized job descriptions to use in recruitment and classification, saving time and effort.
. Classification levels will be clearly defined and widely published, demystifying classifications for the campus and external applicants.
. Staff job titles and salary ranges will be more closely aligned to the external job market, improving recruitment timelines and outcomes.
. Job expectations will be more consistent across campus, and more clearly connected to performance reviews and career-development opportunities.
. Career progression and career development opportunities for staff will be improved and communicated more clearly.
New job-classification structure rolls out
A key component of Career Compass is a new job structure, developed over a period of five years in collaboration with campus managers and staff experts in each job type or subject area.
Human Resources recently published the first in a series of detailed job descriptions for fields in the new structure, with descriptions of jobs in Finance, Information Technology, and Human Resources. Information on other job fields will be added to the website over the coming months; as each field is published, employees will have 30 days to review and comment on that material.
"We encourage staff members and managers to review this information and provide comments," says David Scronce, project director for Career Compass. Managers and staff should send their comments to
After the Career Compass team reviews the comments received and makes any appropriate changes, managers will use the information on the new job fields to identify the appropriate job description for the positions that report to them - a process known as "job mapping."
The job-mapping process for positions covered by Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) is expected to continue through the end of 2007. Mapping for represented positions will begin in 2008, including bargaining related to the impact of the changes. Salaries will not change as a result of the mapping; new salary ranges will be introduced in mid-2008 to guide future pay decisions. Academic, senior- management, and student positions are outside the scope of this project.
As the process moves forward over the next several months, Human Resources will communicate through departmental HR managers, via the Career Compass website, and in open information sessions. A schedule of these sessions is at