UC Berkeley News


Campus to honor those it has lost

19 September 2007

On Tuesday, Oct. 2, the Berkeley campus will gather for its sixth annual memorial service to honor those of its own who have died during the past year. More than 70 members of the campus community - among them faculty and emeriti, students, staff, and staff retirees - will be remembered at the ceremony, which will include a reading of the names of the deceased, vocal music, and poetry. It will be held from noon to 12:50 p.m. at the flagpole west of California Hall; all are welcome to attend.

The names of deceased to be honored on Oct. 2 are listed below. If any member of the campus community who died in the past year has been inadvertently omitted, contact Maureen Kelly (maureenkelly@uhs.berkeley.edu) by 5 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 27, so the individual can be remembered officially at the memorial service.

Undergraduate students
Jose Garcia, Environmental Design
Keith JinHo Hong, Letters & Science
Christopher M. Johnson, Letters & Science
James L.W. Lehmann, Natural Resources
Andrew Montanaro, Letters & Science
Brooke E. Petkevicius, Letters & Science
Pamela Pon, Letters & Science
Wayne Roberts, Letters & Science
Rodrigo Rodriguez, College of Letters & Science

Graduate students
Denise L. Brown, Education
Corinne S. Crawford, Classics
Nathaniel Gerhart, Environmental Science, Policy & Management
Stephanie Yeun Kim, City & Regional Planning

Maroly Arias, Campus Life and Leadership
Kaye Bock, City & Regional Planning
Anthony C. Brennan, Institute of Transportation Studies
Dorothy Mae Brownlee, Physical Plant — Campus Services
Sandra "Sandy" Camillo, Intercollegiate Athletics/Administration
Stephanie Caselli, Mathematics
Phyllis Joseph, Gift Administration/University Relations
Tim Little, Capital Projects
Ronald J. Murillo, Office of Registrar
Felice Pennewell, Business Services
Rickey Singleton, Physical Plant — Campus Services  

Anna-Livia Brawn, French
Harold C. Helgeson, Earth & Planetary Science
Nicholas Howe, Arts & Humanities/English
Agnes Mihalik, Slavic Languages & Literature
A. Richard Newton, Engineering
Nelson W. Polsby, Governmental Studies
Michael Ronan, LBNL
Beth Samuels, Mathematics
John Thow, Letters & Science/Music

Staff retirees
Sandra R. Briley, Molecular & Cell Biology
John Chemsak, Essig Museum of Entomology
Bertrand Darensburg, University Health Services
Esther Fulsaas, Library/Serials Cataloging
Grace L. Hollingshead, School of Public Health
Darrell Kelly, Payroll Office
Winifred McLeod, Institute of Management, Innovation & Organization
Robert James "Bob" Medhurst, Police Department
Virginia Griffin Muska, Graduate Division
George Oxley, Molecular & Cell Biology
Virginia Pratt, Library School Library  
Viki L. Scott, German, Spanish & Portuguese
Bella Shirman, Astronomy/Mathematics/Statistics Library

Emeriti/Academic retirees
George W. Barlow, Integrative Biology
William E. Berg, Zoology
Wilson G. Combs, Architecture
William Garnett, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning
Ben Gerwick, Civil & Environmental Engineering
John W. Gofman, Molecular and Cell Biology
Cadet H. Hand, Zoology
Donald N. Hanson, Chemical Engineering
James Aha Harder, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Leon Henkin, Mathematics
F. Clark Howell, Anthropology/Museum of Vertebrae Zoology/Laboratory for Human Evolution
Norman Jacobson, Political Science
Warren Jones, City & Regional Planning/University Extension
Serge Kassatkin, Slavic Languages & Literatures
Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., Molecular & Cell Biology
Lawrence Levine, History
Roy B. Litton, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning
Luna Leopold, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning/Earth & Planetary Science
G. Peter Lyman, School of Information
Richard Meier, Architecture/City & Regional Planning/Landscape Architecture/Environmental Design
William M. Meredith, Psychology
Martin Meyerson, Environmental Design/City & Regional Planning
Donald H. Minkler, Public Health
Francis H. Moffitt, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Robert K. Mortimer, Molecular & Cell Biology
Francis T. Motofuji, East Asian Languages & Cultures
Leonard E. Nathan, Rhetoric
Ralph S. Paffenbarger Jr., MD, Public Health/Human Biodynamics
Douglas R. Powell, Geography
Allan Pred, Geography
William Kendrick Pritchett, Classics
Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, Classics & Comparative Literature
Samuel A. Schaaf, Mechanical Engineering
Alexander C.  Scordelis, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Blake Spahr, German
Harry B. Stehr, Education
Martin Trow, Public Policy
Melvin Webber, City & Regional Planning/UC Transportation Center
Lionel E. Weiss, EPS
Robert B. Williamson, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Benjamin M. Woodbridge Jr., Spanish & Portuguese

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