UC Berkeley News


Salary-increase pool for 2007-08 determined

| 26 September 2007

The Berkeley campus will be implementing a salary-increase program for employees in positions covered by the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM). The fund pool for merit increases is 4 percent, effective Oct. 1, 2007. This control figure is used to determine the amount of funds available for merit awards, not the actual merit increase received by individual employees. Those individual increases are based on performance: Some employees will receive a higher percentage increase, others lower, depending upon individual performance.

Eligibility requirements for merit increases include:

. Appointment to a career position covered by PPSM on or before July 1, 2007

. Employment in a PPSM-covered career position as of Oct. 1 and when the merit rosters are processed

. No overall "Unsatisfactory" performance evaluation rating for the period Oct, 1, 2006, to Sept. 30, 2007

. No formal written disciplinary action during the evaluation period.

Total increases for individual employees including merit, promotional, equity, or reclassification adjustments may not exceed 25 percent of the individual employee's salary for the year ending June 30, 2007, unless approved by the chancellor, and salaries resulting from merit increases may not cause the individual's resultant salary to exceed the maximum of the salary range.

For 2007-08, an additional 1 percent funding for equity increases will be provided for a small number of non-represented MSP and PSS staff employees. The Compensation Unit of Human Resources will continue to use a data-driven approach to review the largest gaps in market lag and internal equity, including an analysis of job-specific turnover and retention challenges on campus related to pay. Recommendations will be provided to vice chancellors for review. Although equity increases will not be processed until spring 2008, they will be retroactive to Oct. 1, 2007.

If you have questions or comments about the salary-increase program for employees covered by the PPSM program, e-mail compdesk@berkeley.edu by Oct. 17.

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