UC Berkeley News


News Briefs

05 March 2008

Third Clark Kerr Lecture featuring Donald Kennedy is March 11

Donald Kennedy, president emeritus of Stanford University and editor of Science, will discuss science and the university in the third Clark Kerr Lecture on the Role of Higher Education in the current series, which began last fall. "Part 3: Science, Security, and Control" will cover the recent period in which science and its university proprietors have confronted a new set of questions.

Whether in the later phases of the Cold War or in the early phases of the terror war, universities find themselves witnessing a replay of the old battle between science, which would prefer to have everything open, and security, which would like to have some of it secret. Struggles in the early 1980s regarding application of arms-control regulations to basic data resulted in some solutions that some hoped would be permanent. But after 9/11 a host of new issues surfaced.

The lecture takes place Tuesday, March 11, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Toll Room of Alumni House. Berkeleyan coverage of the first lecture in the current series, delivered by Kennedy last November, is online at newscenter.berkeley.edu/goto/KerrLectures.

Professional-development grants available to non-Senate faculty

Applications are now being accepted for grants from the Professional Development Program for members of Unit 18 (Non-Senate Faculty or NSF) who are covered by the memorandum of understanding between the University of California and the American Federation of Teachers. Those with teaching appointments as NSF on the Berkeley campus in summer 2007, fall 2007, and/or spring 2008 are eligible to apply.

According to Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Welfare Sheldon Zedeck, the intent of the program is to provide grants ranging from $500 to $8,000 to support pedagogical endeavors. For example, the grants may be used for academic training, seminar-attendance fees, software, research expenses, course relief, and travel expenses related to teaching, research, or other scholarly activities.

Program guidelines and application materials are available on the Academic Personnel website (apo.chance.berkeley.edu/GuidelinesPDF07-08.html). The deadline for submission of applications is Monday, March 17.

Ticket deadline nears for Public Health Heroes event

The School of Public Health established its Public Health Heroes awards in 1996 to recognize individuals and organizations for their significant contributions and exceptional commitment to promoting and protecting the health of the human population.

This year's awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, April 2, at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. To reserve a seat or table, download a reservation form from www.publichealthheroes.org/2008/tickets.html and mail or fax it by Friday, March 7. The form also includes information about this year's honorees.

Grad students on the air

The Graduates is a new show on KALX-FM (90.7), the campus radio station, dedicated to graduate-student research at Berkeley. The program, which airs Mondays from noon to 12:30 p.m., is produced by Stephanie Gerson, a master's student in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. Gerson interviews graduate students across campus about their work on projects ranging from web-controlled paintball guns to participatory video production.

For details, e-mail thegraduateskalx@aol.com.

Campus police post advice for responding to shootings

In the wake of the campus tragedies at Virginia Tech last year and more recently at Northern Illinois University, universities across the country have reassessed and are stepping up their preparedness to respond to a campus shooting or other critical emergency. While there is no reason to expect that such an incident would occur on the Berkeley campus, the UC Police Department is trained for such emergencies, and offers online tips for the campus community on how to respond if a shooting should occur. For more information, visit newscenter.berkeley.edu/goto/emergencytips.

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