January 1997 Volume 2, Number 2

Real World Economists
No other university outside the Ivy League has provided the White House with as much economic brain power as Berkeley has. Text-only version

First Class
Cal's class of 2000 has both pressures and opportunities that the Class of
1900 never even imagined.
Text-only version

Touchdown Tien
Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien leaves Cal with a legacy of academic triumphs, record fund-raising and nonstop energy. Text-only version

Preparing For a New Century
The New Century Campaign seeks to raise $1.1 billion by the year 2001, the most ambitious fund-raising goal in history for a public university. Text-only version

Games Revived
Berkeley professor Stephen Miller leads the revival of ancient foot races in a tiny Greek town. Text-only version

Please note that the articles on this web version of the magazine have been edited and are shorter than the stories that appeared in the original magazine. For the full text of a story choose the "Text-only version" link for that story.

Around Cal
A potpourri of what's going on. Text-only version

Highlights of faculty research. Text-only version

Bear Territory
A look at people involved in Cal sports. Text-only version

Looking Back
Memoirs from Cal's past. Text-only version

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Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of California, All rights reserved.
Last modified 4/3/97 JBC. Please e-mail your comments to ucbwww@pa.urel.berkeley.edu