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4/6/00 - File # 15302
Contact: Janet Gilmore
(510) 642-5685


"e-Campaigning: Ethics and the Internet," a conference on political campaigning in the digital age, sponsored by the University of California, Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) and the Washington, D.C.-based American University Center for Congressional & Presidential Studies.

California Secretary of State Bill Jones and a panel of experts will discuss the growing use of the Internet in political campaigns and elections.


Monday, April 10, noon to 4 p.m.

The program begins with lunch, followed by Jones's address. Panelist presentations and discussion will run from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., followed by audience questions and answers.

WHERE: The Seaborg Room, Faculty Club, UC Berkeley.  

Secretary of State Jones will discuss "The Impact of the Internet on Electoral Politics" in a keynote address. Other participants include:

·John Gage, director, Science Office, Sun Microsystems

·Leslie Goodman, president, Political Strategies, Inc., a political consulting firm

·Wade Randlett, vice president, Red Gorilla, an Internet application syndication company

·Kim Alexander, director, The California Voter Foundation

·Jack Kavanaugh, host of the PBS political news program and Web site "Rough & Tumble"

·Gene Rochlin, professor, UC Berkeley Energy & Resources Group and author of the book "Trapped in the Web"

·Peter Lyman, professor and associate dean, UC Berkeley's School of Information Management Systems

BACKGROUND: In recent campaigns, the impact of the Internet has mushroomed as campaign organizers find it increasingly effective to raise funds, generate grassroot support, attack their opponent, poll the public, influence voter opinion and communicate with the media. Panelists at this event will examine the revolutionary possibilities of e-campaigning as well as the potential pitfalls. In recent campaigns, the Internet has also been used to post fake Web pages, transmit anonymous hit pieces, and generate questionable poll numbers.

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