UC Berkeley News


Remembering those we've lost in the past year here at UC Berkeley

8 September 2004

These members of the campus community died this past year (since October 1, 2003). If you note any errors or omissions, please e-mail Jami Lieb at cio@berkeley.edu so that we may add these names to the list of those memorialized here.

October, 2003
•  Sally Bellows, School of Public Health, staff
•  Cathie Bennett, Financial Aid, staff
•  Mark Christensen, Energy and Resources Group, professor emeritus
•  Thomas Griffin, Letters and Science, undergraduate student
•  A. Carl Helmholz, Physics, professor emeritus
•  Roger Montgomery, College of Environmental Design, professor emeritus
•  Frank Pitelka, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, professor emeritus
•  Charles Wilke, Chemical Engineering, professor emeritus

November, 2003
•  Robert A. Black, Anthropology, academic retiree
•  James Cason, Chemistry, professor emeritus
•  James Jackson, UC Police, staff
•  T.Y. Lin, Civil Engineering, professor emeritus
•  Margaret Singer, Psychology, adjunct professor emeritus
•  Richard Wollheim, Philosophy, professor emeritus

December, 2003
•  Ysidoro Duenes, Career Center, staff
•  Clark Kerr, Economics/Industrial Relations, professor and chancellor emeritus
•  Esmond Snell, Biochemistry, professor emeritus
•  Steven Suoja, Insect Biology, academic
•  Pat L. Wolf, Civil and Environmental Engineering, staff retiree

January, 2004
•  Gunther Barth, History, professor emeritus
•  John Frease, Materials Science and Engineering, staff retiree
•  Therese Thau Heyman, Chancellor's Office, emeritus
•  Alisa Lewis, Social Welfare, undergraduate student
•  Robinson Martin, College of Natural Resources, undergraduate student
•  Joaquin Nin-Culmell, Music, professor emeritus
•  Yoneko Yamasaki, Office of the Registrar, staff retiree

February, 2004
•  Susan Bateman, RSSP, staff retiree
•  Sandra Tupou, Human Resources, staff

March, 2004
•  Catherine Becket, University Extension, academic
•  William Bouwsma, History, professor emeritus
•  Frances Brown, Library, staff
•  Charles Churchman, Haas School of Business, professor emeritus
•  Kazuki Nakamori, Rec Sports/ Golden Bear, staff
•  Steve Saucedo, College of Letters and Science, undergraduate student
•  Dale Tillery, School of Education, professor emeritus
•  John Traugott, English, professor emeritus
•  Dow Votaw, Haas School of Business, professor emeritus

April, 2004
•  Thomas Edwards, School of Education, professor emeritus
•  Thom Gunn, English, academic emeritus
•  Hamid Mahamedi, Doe Library, academic retiree
•  Geraldine Muhs, Benefits/Human Resources, staff retiree
•  Leo Postman, Psychology, emeritus
•  Toni Sanders, UC Police, staff retiree
•  Thomas Smith, History, professor emeritus
•  Orion Trott, College of Letters and Science, undergraduate student

May, 2004
•  Ernest Greenwood, Social Welfare, professor emeritus
•  Niaz Nazir, University Extension, academic
•  Rose Roberson, Public Safety & Transportation, staff retiree
•  John Rowe, Anthropology, professor emeritus
•  Reginald Zelnik, History, professor
•  Ruben Zelwer, IST-Central Computing Services, staff

June, 2004
•  Gillian Brown, School of Education, academic
•  Mathew Crow, College of Letters and Science, undergraduate student
•  Alice Davis, Anthropology, staff retiree
•  Carol Fischer, Office of the Registrar, staff
•  Ronni Gravitz, Retirement Center, staff
•  Margie Knapp, Human Resources, staff retiree
•  Nyima Miguel Sorenson, College of Letters and Science, undergraduate student
•  Charles Susskind, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, professor emeritus
•  Katherine Van Valer Williams, Office of the Registrar, staff retiree

July, 2004
•  Karin Beros, International and Area Studies, staff retiree
•  Henry Bruyn, University Health Services, staff retiree
•  Phyllis Strong Green, Goldman School of Public Policy, academic retiree
•  Linda Hawn, University Extension, academic
•  Grace Katagiri, Institute of Business and Economics Research, staff
•  William Kornhauser, Sociology, professor emeritus
•  Hisashi Sanui, MCB, academic retiree

August, 2004
•  Les Ali, Public Safety & Transportation, staff
•  Constantinos Beros, Institute of International Studies, staff retiree
•  Timothy Dowell, English, undergraduate student
•  Charles E. Hamilton, Library, academic retiree
•  Gene Lee, Legal Studies, undergraduate student
•  Czeslaw Milosz, Slavic Languages and Literatures, professor emeritus
•  William (Bill) Olson, Cal Sports Medicine Program, volunteer

September, 2004
•  Michael Pelton, Letters and Science, undergraduate student
•  William Reeves, School of Public Health, professor and dean emeritus

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