UC Berkeley Web Feature
What are some of your favorite memories
from UC Berkeley?
NewsCenter | 12 May
Commencement coverage
BERKELEY – Graduation
is a time for looking forward, and looking back. The
Class of 2005 has had a tumultuous four (or five) years,
beginning their first month of school with the tragic
events of September 11, 2001, and watching the nation
go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq. And while these
students will never forget these universal, formative
moments, the memories they take away from UC Berkeley
also include more personal ones. We asked several graduates
to share some of the latter with us as they waited outside
the Greek Theatre for Commencement Convocation on May 11.
late-night chats, having all my friends at my fingertips,
theater rehearsals — all that bonding and closeness.'
-Michelle Bonanno, Theater
& Performance Studies / Mass Communications
'05, from Antioch, CA. |
remember the political activism on campus,
people's willingness to express their feelings. I
may not have always agreed with them, but I respect
their passion.'
-Randall Mah, History '05,
from Northridge, CA. |
me, this has been a nice vacation. It beats the hell
out of working construction — hauling concrete, lugging
toilets. Now I'm on the verge of becoming an intellectual!'
-Bob Brock, History '05,
from Huntington Beach, CA. |
on the African-American theme floor my freshman year,
I made friends that I'll have for the rest of my life.'
-Alyson Edwards, African-American
Studies '05, from Los Angeles, CA. |
a doubt, my greatest memory is the Golden Bears
football game against USC two years ago. It went into
triple overtime, and the Cal community really came
together — we were so proud to be Bears that
-Tara Moore, Mass Communications
'05, from Belvedere, CA. |
the good friends I made; I know they'll be there
for me, and we'll keep in touch. What else — well,
getting an A in Organic Chemistry was definitely a
-Sameir Alhadi, Molecular
and Cell Biology '05, from Clovis, Ca. |
would have to say living in the Bay Area, being so
near San Francisco — I love the sightseeing,
the weather, the food. It's just a great city.'
-Brian Winston, Economics
'05, from Virginia Beach, VA |
greatest thing about Berkeley has been the freedom
to explore what liberation means to me, physically,
spiritually, mentally and academically — I jumped
around three different majors before I found the one
for me.'
-Angeline Young, Music/Dance
& Performance Studies '05, from San Francisco,
CA. |
Read the responses to previous Point of View questions