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Regular Features:

A Citation for Louise Taylor

Louise Taylor, director of the Office of Planning and Analysis and special assistant to the vice chancellor, has received the Berkeley Citation for her 34 years’ service to the university and extraordinary accomplishments on its behalf.

During her career, Taylor served under six chancellors. Campus projects to which she made major contributions include the academic plans of the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s; the model of faculty turnover and hiring; the academic personnel system; the academic affirmative action plan; the return to the semester system; the reorganization of biology; management of the construction/renovation of four biological sciences buildings; the Academic Planning Board; and, most recently, the Seismic Action Plan.

At a Feb. 12 retirement ceremony, Associate Chancellor Jim Hyatt cited Taylor’s “record ... of service and unwavering commitment to the highest ideals of the Berkeley campus.”

“She has given 120 percent of herself to every project she has undertaken,” said Loris Davanzo, assistant director of the Planning and Analysis Office.

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