Launches Half-a-Billion Dollar Research Initiative
Aimed at Health
Science Hindered
From Attending College in Their Native Vietnam,
Four Siblings Finish Their Education at
UC Staff
Enrichment |
Posted October 6, 1999
CARE Services For information or to enroll call 643-7754. Death at UC Berkeley: Communication and Community Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: Financial and
Legal Planning for Long-Term Care Facing Stress Without Distress
Health*Matters For information or to enroll call 643-4646. Open Airways for Children: Managing Your Child's
Asthma Vegetarianism: From Strict to Sometimes For information on health-related workshops and events for faculty and staff, see (www.uhs.berkeley.edu/FacStaff).
CALS Project Seeks Volunteer Tutors For information, contact Program Coordinator Jane Griswold at jgris@uclink4 or call 643-5280, or see (hrweb.berkeley.edu/programs/Cals.htm).
Employee Development And Training To enroll online, follow the instructions on page 92 of the 1999-2000 EDT catalog. Career Self Assessment Grammar and Punctuation Challenges Meetings that Work Strategic and Operational Planning: The Basis for
Developing Budgets and Managing Resources Presentation Skills