Posted April 19, 2000 Guggenheim Fellowships Awarded to Four Berkeley Faculty Four Berkeley researchers have been awarded Guggenheim fellowships for 2000, announced the New York-based John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. The foundation said this year's fellowship winners included 182 artists, scholars and scientists from more than 2,900 applicants in the United States and Canada for awards totaling $6,345,000. Guggenheim fellows are appointed on the basis of distinguished achievement and exceptional promise. They include writers, painters, sculptors, photographers, film makers, choreographers, physical and biological scientists, social scientists, and scholars in the humanities. Many hold appointments in colleges and universities, and a number have no academic affiliation. This year's Guggenheim fellows at Berkeley and their areas of expertise are: Donald DePaolo, professor of geochemistry: The geochemical effects of magma generation and transport. Lauren Edelman, professor of law and sociology: The formation of civil-rights laws in the workplace. Alexei Filippenko, professor of astronomy: The expansion of the universe. Daniel Rokhsar, professor of physics and head of the computational and theoretical biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Studies in computational and theoretical biology. Guggenheim fellowships are grants made for a minimum of six months and a maximum of 12 months. The average grant in 2000 is approximately $34,000.
Brian Staskawicz The American Academy of Microbiology has elected Brian Staskawicz to fellowship. The academy is the only honorific leadership group devoted entirely to microbiologists and the science of microbiology. More than 1,500 fellows from 35 countries have been elected and each has demonstrated scientific excellence, originality and leadership; high ethical standards; and scholarly and creative achievement. The academy represents all of microbiology, including basic and applied research, teaching, public health, industry and government service.
Richard Saykally Chemist Richard Saykally was honored March 28th by the American Chemical Society for shedding new light on the world's most common yet mysterious substance: water. He will receive the Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics from the society at its national meeting in San Francisco.