By AUTHOR, Public
Berkeley Bay Festival At Berkeley Marina Take a sail on a Cal Sailing Club boat, tour a tidepool or test your skill on a Cal Adventures climbing wall at the Berkeley Bay Festival, to be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, April 29, at the city of Berkeley Marina. The free outdoor festival, which starts in Marina Square, features scores of activities focusing on environmental education and boating for adults and kids alike. For information call 644-8623 or see www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/Parks/marina/marinaexp/ on the Web.
Black Staff Dialogue Drop-In Hours Those who were unable to attend the Feb. 23 event, "Exploring the Impact of a Post-209 Environment: A Black Staff Dialogue," may still participate, by dropping into the Cesar Chavez Center, Room 197, from noon to 1:30 pm on Monday, April 24 or Wednesday, April 26. Volunteers from the Black Staff and Faculty Organization will be on hand to collect anonymous comments. In addition, anonymous comments may still be submitted online, from www.uhs.berkeley.edu/impact on the University Health Services Web site. The dialogue is sponsored by the Black Staff and Faculty Organization, Human Resources, the Staff Affirmative Action Office and University Health Services' CARE Services for Faculty and Staff. For information, contact the Staff Affirmative Action Office at 642-5002.
Retirement System Balances Online UC employees can now view their own University of California Retirement System account balances online. To do so, click on the "UCRS Account Balances" icon on the right side of the UC HR/Benefits Web site (http://www.ucop.edu/bencom) and follow the logon procedures to see these balances: Tax-Deferred 403(b) Plan, including any 403(b) Plan loan balance Defined Contribution Plan -- Pretax and After-Tax Accounts University of California Retirement Plan, including UCRP service credit Note: UCRS account balances include only money invested with UC. For online access to accounts with Fidelity or Calvert, go to Fidelity NetBenefits (http://netbenefits.non-profits.com) or to the Calvert Group's site (www.CalvertGroup.com/index.stm) and follow their procedures. The UC-managed funds are valued monthly, at the end of each month, and account balances are updated with the new values around the middle of the following month. Balances reflect any distributions processed through the end of the previous business day.