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Stories for 01 November 2000

Finishing touches New features and shine greet second season at Haas Pavilion

Bonus program rewards staff for new hire referrals

Where James Bond and Isaac Newton meet Professor uses movie special effects to teach mechanical engineering principles


E-Berkeley, gateway to the virtual university, takes shaspe


The roadmap to e-Berkeley

Campus closed Nov. 10 - it's Veterans Day

A Nobelist's recorded recollections

Election Web site shows power of new Internet technology for mining the "deep Web"

Young goblins and ghouls invade campus on Halloween Students reach out to community youth for tricks or treats

Campus finalizes budget allocations Permanent state funds increase by $38 million

How race is lived in America New York Times journalists reflect on the making of a series

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haas pavilion

A piece of the new Haas Pavilion scoreboard is hoisted in this photo taken Oct. 20 as part of the process of raising the complex eight-piece scoreboard to its permanent spot above the basketball court. Peg Skorpinski photo.

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