May 1997 Volume
2, Number 3
Vice Presidential Visit
Al Gore discussed higher education and financial
aid at a town meeting with 150 students. Text-only
New Chancellor Brings
New Era
Robert M. Berdahl, president of the University of Texas at
Austin, will take over in July as Berkeley's next chancellor. Text-only version
A Semester in
From lectures and special classes to workshops and conferences,
CyberSemester celebrates technology. Text-only
Hooray for Hollywood
Cal alums are making their marks behind the scenes in Hollywood.
Text-only version
Treasure Trove
Director Rosemary Joyce and her staff are
always searching for creative ways to care for and display the Hearst Museum's
extraordinary collections. Text-only
Lining Up Work
Students find hunting for a job is real work
itself. Text-only
Sweet Music
Berkeley's Music Department has been producing
music scholars, composers, performers and musically informed citizenry for
nearly a century. Text-only
Please note that the articles on this web version of the magazine have been
edited and are shorter than the stories that appeared in the original magazine.
For the full text of a story choose the "Text-only version" link
for that story.
Around Cal
A potpourri of what's
going on. Text-only version
Highlights of faculty
research. Text-only
A look at people involved in Cal sports. Text-only version
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