Reimagining a BART Station by Cathy Cockrell, Public Affairs Oakland Technical High School students presented plans for redesigning the MacArthur BART station and area to a panel of jurors April 8 at Oakland City Hall. The Oakland Tech students developed their plans with the help of Berkeley graduate students through the Urban Plan project. Jurors included local politicians, community groups, development organizations and educators. Among them were Jane Brunner, Oakland City councilwoman; Alex Greenwood and Gladys Moore of the City of Oakland Community and Economic Development Agency; Walter Miles of the MLK-Telegraph Business Association; Lynne Horiuchi of Turning Leaves and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and Carlos Castellanos of the Spanish Speaking Unity Council. The Urban Plan is a six-year-old project in which Berkeley graduate students from a variety of departments including city planning, architecture, landscape architecture and business assist Oakland Tech students in redesigning MacArthur BART station and surrounding neighborhood in West Oakland. In six weeks the students learn many of the complexities of developing the urban environment: assessing physical, social, and political environments; balancing public and real estate economics and quality of life; managing agendas and conflict; understanding the history of cities and neighborhoods; and envisioning future healthy communities and environments.
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