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Ladies Sing the Blues to Benefit Young Musicians

Some of the Bay Area’s hottest female singers will present an evening of R&B and jazz at Yoshi’s Monday, May 18 to benefit Berkeley’s Young Musicians Program (YMP).

The line-up includes YMP alum Ledisi, who toured with Beach Blanket Babylon; Zoe Ellis, formerly with the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir; Caitlin Cornwell, who sings with The Braids; Teal Collins, daughter of legendary DJ Al “Jazzbeaux” Collins; musical director Sundra Manning; and a special appearance by Miss Faye Carol, a veteran Bay Area jazz performer.

The Music Department’s Young Musicians Program provides full scholarships for musically gifted elementary and secondary school students from low-income families.

The performance, which begins at 8 p.m., is part of YMP’s 30th anniversary celebration; all proceeds go to its scholarship fund.

Admission is $35 for VIP seating and post-show reception with the artists, $18 general and $12 for students and seniors. To purchase tickets, call Yoshi’s box office at 238-9200 or (415) 752-BASS.

Town/Gown Move-Out Plan Emphasizes Recycling

The university and the City of Berkeley will sponsor a first-ever joint program to collect and recycle students’ cast-off furniture and other items when they move out of their dorms, co-ops, sororities and fraternities for the summer.

The joint program the week of May 18 is designed to reduce the impact of student departures on the campus neighborhood.

On Friday, May 22, Goodwill Industries and the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse will collect reusable material; the City of Berkeley will collect mixed paper and cardboard; and Total Recycling will collect mattresses, box springs and sofas.

The following day, the city will pick up unrecyclable bulky trash. Large dumpsters will be placed at strategic intersections for trash generated after the weekend recycling/trash pick-up.

For information call Recycling Coordinator Lisa Bauer at 643-4612.

Calling All PIs and Postdocs

The Graduate Division seeks postdoctoral fellow addresses for information distribution on workshops and surveys.

Principal investigators and interested postdocs may send postdoc email addresses to

Be sure to put the word “postdoc” in the subject line.

Personnel Changes at Berkeley Art Museum
In mid April James Steward resigned his post as chief curator of the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive. He will leave at the end of June to become the sixth director of the University of Michigan Museum of Art in Ann Arbor.

In another recent staff change, Larry Rinder, the museum’s curator and assistant director for program and audience, was appointed director of the Institute of Exhibitions and Public Programs at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. Rinder was responsible for the museum’s MATRIX program and other exhibitions and programs featuring contemporary art.

BAM is seeking to fill its new position of Phyllis Wattis MATRIX Curator, endowed recently by Wattis, and will begin its search for a new chief curator soon.

In the interim, Bay Area curator Constance Lewallen has been appointed acting curator and John Losito interim assistant curator.

Kids Can Learn All About Paper at LHS

Children can discover how paper is made and recycled at “A Child’s View of Papermaking,” a Lawrence Hall of Science exhibit opening May 23.

The hands-on exhibit features a colorful papermaking machine children can step inside, plus an opportunity to create their own paper.

Developed by the Robert C. Williams American Museum of Papermaking, the exhibit is open through Aug. 23.

June 6 Event: Post-Midlife Issues That Women Face

“Throughout life, we face many questions that are both puzzling and fraught with fear, “ says Shelley Glazer, director of the UC Berkeley Retirement Center. “After mid-life, these questions take on a whole new dimension, especially for women who, as a group, live longer, have less money and face daunting caregiving responsibilities.”

To address some of these issues, the retirement center and the Academic Geriatric Resource Program are presenting a half-day workshop. “Wise Choices for Women Beyond Midlife: Eight Major Issues Affecting the Journey Ahead” takes place from 8:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June 6, in Boalt Hall.

Workshop presenters include Betty Soldz, an older adult services consultant, and Barbara Weiss, a retired Berkeley faculty member in social welfare. California Assemblymember Dion Aroner will be the keynote speaker.

“Betty and Barbara are two of the co-authors of the book, ‘Wise Choices Beyond Midlife: Women Mapping the Journey Ahead,’” said Diane Driver, academic coordinator of Academic Geriatric Resource Program. “These women are beyond midlife now; they are experiencing what we’ll be exploring in the conference.”

Conference topics include aging as a woman’s issue, self assessment, financies and how they affect older women, housing choices, caregiving, work, retirment and beyond, and preparing for the end of life.

For a conference brochure, or to register, call 642-5461, or email

Admission is $10; seating is limited.

Belt It Out: the Voice of Rock ‘n’ Roll

Though “rock ‘n’ roll” automatically conjurs images of loud music produced by electric guitars, the human voice is the other instrument essential to the mix.

“Voices: Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Invisible Instrument,” opening May 23 at Lawrence Hall of Science, uses audio and video clips of famous rock stars to explore voices and voice technology. Visitors will learn how voices change over time, voice anatomy, types of rock vocals and how a studio recording is made.

The exhibit, prepared by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, runs through Aug. 9

For information call 642-5132 or check

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