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Grants Available for Encouraging Diversity

The Graduate Division Diversity Grants Program is offering grants of up to $5,000 to departments, faculty, staff and graduate students who submit proposals for new strategies and innovative approaches to recruit, admit and retain a diverse graduate student population, or for research on past efforts to encourage diversity, said Associate Dean Z. Renee Sung.

The grants will be awarded for the best proposals from the following categories: research of prior practices, implementation of new programs and professional development of graduate students.

Research of Prior Practices

Proposals should identify factors that have contributed to success or failure in recruiting and admitting underrepresented minorities by examining and documenting the procedures and criteria for admissions, including but not limited to outreach, recruitment, and financial support in graduate admissions patterns and practices used at Berkeley or at other institutions.

Proposal must include a statement of the aims of the proposal, background information, research methods, and references. Limit proposals to five pages double spaced, not including references.

"Departments wishing to collaborate on larger comparative studies might be eligible to receive more than $5,000," said Sung.

Implementation of New Programs

Proposals should outline a new approach to recruit and/or retain a diverse population of graduate students at the departmental, school or group level.

Proposal must include a history of the unit's previous recruitment efforts, a description of the new approach, a timetable for implementing the approach, and guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of the approach. Proposal length should be limited to five pages, double spaced.

Professional Development of Graduate Students

Proposals should outline an approach that has proven successful in attracting prospective students, assists in retaining current graduate students, promotes the academic, cultural, and social development of graduate students, provides support networks and forums that meet needs of graduate students who are working on their master's theses or doctoral dissertation.

Proposals will be evaluated on their originality and feasibility; they should be limited to five pages, double spaced.

Proposal Deadline

Four copies of the completed application form and proposal should be submitted before 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11 to Z. Renee Sung, associate dean, Graduate Division, 424 Sproul Hall, #5900. Awards will be announced Monday, Oct. 5.

For information, call 643-9236.

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