News Briefs Cal Performances Director Profiled In New York Times A feature story on Robert Cole, director of Cal Performances since 1986, will appear in the New York Times Arts and Leisure section Sunday, Sept. 13. The article will highlight Cole's work for Cal Performances, Berkeley's campus-based production company and Northern California's largest presenter of the performing arts. Under Cole's direction, Cal Performances has risen to the top ranks of performing art presenters while attracting internationally known artists such as Mark Morris, the New York City Ballet, Wynton Marsalis and Yo-Yo Ma. Cole won the American Performing Arts Presenters award for outstanding programming earlier this year. He was recognized by France's Minister of Culture as a Chevalier of France's prestigious Order of Arts and Letters in 1995. To read the article online, visit the New York Times web site at http://www.nytimes.com/yr/mo/day/artleisure/.
Intellectual Property Law at UC Extension "Copyright and the Internet, patenting of DNA sequences, unfair competition and trademarks, employees rights to company trade secrets &emdash; these are all very contemporary problems," says lawyer and author Brian Donohue. They are also a few of the issues Donohue will cover in a 10-evening UC Berkeley Extension course, "Intellectual Property Law," offered in both Berkeley and Atherton. Donohue, a former federal trial lawyer, has written two books and numerous articles on technology acquisitions, software licensing and admissibility of trial evidence. No legal background is required to take the course. The Berkeley section meets Tuesdays evenings in Wheeler Hall. The fee is $50. For information call 643-2180, or email busmgmt-info@ un.berkeley.edu. To enroll call 642-4111 or visit Extension's website at http://www.berkeley.edu/unex.
Ocean Engineering:New Major Berkeley has a new graduate degree program in Ocean Engineering. The program, approved by UC President Atkinson retro-active to July 1, replaces Naval Architecture and offshore Engineering. The new Ocean Engineering curriculum includes a stronger emphasis on the ocean including such topics as coastal and estuary dynamics, large-scale oceanic and atmospheric sciences, robotics and control technology and drilling technology.
Pay Raises in New State Budget The final State budget for 1998-99 includes the general and parity increases requested by the UC Office of the President for academic employees. Based on this budget, the University proposes to provide all eligible academic employees with a 2 percent general increase (range adjustment), effective Oct. 1, 1998. Professor, Professional Research, and Lecturer with security of employment titles would receive an additional 2.5 percent parity increase, effective Oct. 1. For information, or to comment, email APpolicy@uclink.berkeley.edu by Sept. 15.
Sept. 16 Noon Concert Will Visit Russia, Norway "Daydreams and Dark Beauty," the Sept. 16 free noon concert at Hertz Hall, features Christopher Guerrìero performing Schumann and Rakhmaninov works inspired by children's daydreams and Russian culture. He will be joined by violinist Shaw Pong Liu for Grieg's intricate Violin Sonata #3 in C minor, evoking the darkness and beauty of Norway. Performances in the Wednesday noon concert series, now in its 46th year, start promptly at 12:15 p.m. and end by 1. Latecomers are seated during selected pauses. For concert information see http://www.ls.berkeley.edu/dept/music or call 642-4864.
Campus People With HIV/AIDS Organize Students, faculty and staff with HIV/AIDS are invited to attend an informal meeting Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 5 p.m. in the Section Club Room of Tang Center. The meeting is the first of its kind on the Berkeley campus and may be the first on any UC campus, said John Winters, a senior building maintenance worker in Housing and Dining Services and organizer of the gathering. Winters, who is HIV positive, said the meeting's participants could organize an established campus group that serves a social, political, educational and public service role at Berkeley. "It's important to let those on campus with HIV/AIDS know they are not alone," said Winters. "By becoming more visible, we can support each other and raise awareness." Because HIV/AIDS is still heavily stigmatized, Winters said faculty, staff and students have been reluctant to organize. He hopes to change that climate with the formation of this group. For information call 642-3653.
Safeguarding the Integrity of Scientific Research David Baltimore was a highly-respected scientist, a Noble Prize-winner and president of Rockefeller University. But when he came to the defense of a colleague accused of fraudulent research, his world fell apart. What started as a small-scale investigation at Tufts University, quickly escalated as politicians and government agencies, who felt they had jurisdiction over publicly-funded research, became involved. During the probe, Baltimore found himself portrayed as a betrayer of truth, exiled from public life and forced to resign from his job. The investigation found no merit to the accusations of misconduct and Baltimore eventually put his life back together. But the case reminds researchers of how precarious the scientific process is. Daniel Kevles, author of a recently-published book on Baltimore's ordeal, will be on campus Monday, Sept. 14 for a panel discussion on the pitfalls of policing publicly-funded research. Berkeley professors from a range of research fields, including Howard Schachman, molecular and cell biology, Nelson Polsby, political science, Laura Nader, anthropology and Thomas Laquer, history, will also participate. The discussion begins at 4 p.m. in 220 Stephens. For more information, call 643-9670.
Trials and the Movies On television, in popular fiction and especially at the movies, courtroom drama is everywhere with us &emdash; from Perry Mason to "Judgement at Nuremburg." Carol Clover, professor of rhetoric and Scandinavian, will discuss "Trials and the Adversarial Imagination," Wed., Sept. 16, at 5 p.m. in the Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall. Clover's lecture will explore how aspects of the legal system &emdash; including its notion of truth, collection of evidence, cross-examination and the jury &emdash; have shaped the "language" of American films, including those that do not include courtroom scenes. Clover is the author of an article on the Icelandic sagas
as legal entertainment and a 1997 book on pulp fiction. Her
talk will be followed by a reception in the English
department lounge, 330 Wheeler Hall. [ Back to top ] |
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