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posted November 11, 1998

Campus Police Review Board Public Hearing
The Berkeley Campus Police Review Board is conducting a review of campus civilian complaint procedures with a view to possible reforms. To gather information the board will hold a public hearing Monday, Nov. 16 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in 145 Dwinelle.

The board will devote two hours to scheduled testimony and the final hour to community comment.

If necessary the board will reconvene Tuesday, Nov. 17, at the same time and location, to hear any testimony or comment that cannot be accommodated in Monday's session.

For information contact Lillian Brock, secretary to the board, at 643-0680.


Desert Photographs at Berkeley Art Museum
Photographs of the collision of suburban domesticity with an unforgiving desert are on display through Jan. 3 at the Berekeley Art Museum's Theater Gallery. "Rancho Deserta: Photographs by Tim Goodman," presents a view of California's other desert -- not the well-watered affluence of Palm Springs and Rancho Mirage, but the harsh and inhospitable terrain that surrounds Twentynine Palms and Yucca Valley.

For information see BAM's website at


South Asian Films
The South Asia Film Festival presents "Subah," a 1981 film in Hindi/Marathi with English subtitles Tuesday, Nov. 17, and "Bombay: Our City," a 1985 documentary chronicling the struggles of Bombay's slum dwellers during the 1980s,Tuesday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. in 105 Northgate Hall.

"Subah," is about a lawyer's wife (played by Smita Patil) who struggles with her husband's questionable ethics and takes charge of a woman's home only to discover that corruption infects even such organizations. Patil used the film in her personal campaigns for women's rights.

"Bombay" is directed by Anand Patwardhan and is in Hindi, Tamil, English and Marathi with English subtitles.


Hearst Pool Swim Hours Extended
Recreational swimming hours have been extended at Hearst North pool. Morning hours each weekday except Tuesday are now 6:15 a.m. to 9 a.m. Tuesday morning hours have been extended an extra half hour. They are now 6:15 a.m. to 8 a.m.

For a complete schedule of hours at the Hearst, Strawberry Canyon and Golden Bear pools, updated weekly, call the pool hotline at 643-7470.


Renowned Zoologist at MVZ's 90th Birthday
To celebrate its 90th anniversary, the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology will present an award ceremony and lecture at 4 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, in 2040 Valley Life Sciences.

Renowned tropical vertebrate zoologist Jay Savage will deliver the third Joseph Grinnell Memorial Lecture. A faculty member at the University of Miami, Savage will discuss "Declining Amphibian Populations in Central America: Extent and Causes."

The museum will bestow the Joseph Grinnell Medal in Scientific Natural History David Wake in honor of his 27 years of leadership -- he is retiring as the museum's fourth director -- and his distinguished research and teaching.

The event begins with a 3 p.m. reception in 3101 Valley Life Sciences.


Theater Arts Performing "Good"
The UC Berkeley Center for Theater Arts continues its fall season Nov. 13 to 22 with "Good, A Tragedy," which chronicles the personal struggle of one man in the midst of social upheaval.

The play by C.P. Taylor uses high drama, chilling imagery, humor and music to tell the story of a "good" man who becomes enmeshed in the horrors of Nazism.

Evening performances at Zellerbach Playhouse, Nov. 13, 14, 20 and 21, start at 8 p.m. Matinees on Nov. 15 and 22 are at 2 p.m. For tickets call 642-9988.


Messiah Sing at Hertz Hall Dec. 4
The Messiah Sing at Hertz Hall, Friday, Dec. 4, at 7:30 p.m. features members of the University Symphony and Young Musicians Program, and guest artists, performing selections from Handel's Messiah.

This 18th annual event benefits the Young Musicians Program, which offers full-scholarship professional training in music to talented low-income students.

Audience members will be invited to join in the singing and are encouraged to bring a score. Tickets are $12. Advance purchase is suggested.


PFA: 15th Annual Teddy Bear Film Festival
Pacific Film Archive will hold its 15th annual teddy bear parade, followed by films about bears and other furry creatures, Saturday, Nov. 28 and Sunday, Nov. 29, at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Young film connoisseurs will see "Owen," the story of young mouse who wants to take his yellow blanket to school; "Panama," about Little Bear's search for the land of dreams; the Swiss film "Pingu" featuring a penguin; "The Sandbox," from Canada, with an environmental message for kids; "Good Night, Gorilla" and "Blueberries for Sal."

Kids of all ages are invited to bring their favorite teddy bears. Balloons will be provided.

The festival continues Sunday, Dec. 6 with a screening of "Ms. Bear!" at 3 p.m.

To charge advance tickets by phone, call 642-5249. See for information.


Fall Ball: Calling All Ballroom Dancers
Swing, waltz, rumba, cha cha, salsa, rumba or quickstep your way into the holiday season at the 1998 Fall Ball, presented by UC Ballroom Dancers, Saturday, Nov. 14 from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The semiformal dance at the Pauley

Ballroom, Martin Luther King, Jr. Student Union Building, features the UC Jazz Ensemble's Wednesday Band as well as an East Coast Swing contest, dance demonsrations, door prizes and snacks.

Ticket prices are $10 for the public, $8 for college students. For information call 845-9894.


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