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Seeking Staff to be Chancellor's Advisors

by Tamara Keith, Public Affairs
posted November 18, 1998

If you have ever dreamed of advising the Chancellor on campus issues, the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC) might offer the perfect opportunity.

For 18 years the committee has served as a resource to the campus administration, giving input on staff issues and campus policy. It has been instrumental in establishing the Staff Ombuds Office, the Staff Internship Program, Staff Appreciation Day and the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards.

The CSAC is seeking applications for new committee members.

All non-academic career employees are eligible to apply; however, the CSAC is specifically seeking for people who have a broad and objective perspective on staff issues, are willing to work within the administrative framework to find positive solutions to problems, have the approval and support of their supervisor and are willing to be active committee members.

Members serve three-year terms, attending two-hour full committee meetings every other week (for which the chancellor has authorized administrative leave). Members also serve on subcommittees and work on assignments such as background research, data collection, and proposal drafting.

"My term on CSAC has afforded me the opportunity to broaden my perspective, participation and access on campus," said Skye Ward, an outgoing committee member. "Most significantly, my membership on CSAC has provided a stimulating and fertile environment for learning in the workplace. I leave the committee feeling accomplished by the work we've done and encouraged by the support and responsiveness of Chancellor Berdahl."

Applications are due Nov. 25 and can be found on the web at

For information on the committee and the application process, call 642-2241 or 642-9689.


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