TowerBerkeleyan Online

Stories for Feb. 10, 1999

Giant New Telescope Array To Search for Life in Space

Jack Welch Holds First Academic Post for SETI

$2.5 Million Bequest Will Fund Studies of Iran

Children's Summer Programs 1999

Valentine's Day Vignettes From Campus

Profile: Jocelyn Guilbault, Ethnomusicologist

More About: A Renaissance Spectacle

Satirical Stylings of Garry Trudeau

Photo: Refr. Madness

Tamara Keith: Telegraph Avenue's Decline

Regular Features


Campus Calendar

Campus Memos

News Briefs


Staff Enrichment

Photo of the Week: Let the Sun Shine In

Photo: Sun Filtering Through Trees

After the sun broke through the clouds, the eucalyptus grove absorbed enough heat to register this image on infrared film. Peg Skorpinski photo.

Top Story: Is Anyone Out There?

The Berkeley campus and the Mountain View-based SETI Institute have teamed up to design and build an array of 500 to 1,000 radio telescopes whose primary task will be to seek out signals from civilizations elsewhere in our galaxy. (continues)


February 10 - 16, 1999 (Volume 27, Number 22)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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