Posted June 7, 2000 Beginning with the new fiscal year on July 3, the outgoing mail one places in a campus mailbag will need to include a barcode for processing in an entirely new way. Mail Services is implementing a barcoding system to conform to the new Berkeley Financial System and to take advantage of new technologies and greater efficiencies brought about by the Web. The new system is the biggest change in mail processing since the campus began using recording numbers in the mid-60s. Mail processing is the largest purchasing activity on campus, so many staff and faculty will be affected. Two Web-based solutions will enable departments to put barcodes on their outgoing mail fairly easily, with virtually no additional cost. These solutions have been in testing since mid-May with a group of 14 departments. Although a score of universities are presently using some form of mail barcoding, Berkeley is the only campus to devise completely automated Web-based systems. The system validates the user and the account, and it keeps a record of the order, which constitutes an audit trail. It's the most advanced system of its kind in the country. Campus Copy will print barcode recharge numbers on envelopes, and UC Printing Services can provide barcode graphics for designers to include in their mail piece designs. Training and Q & A sessions will be conducted in the coming weeks. Additional information can be obtained at (mailservices.berkeley.edu), or by contacting Director of Mail Services Bill McCart at mccart@uclink4.berkeley.edu or 643-7397.