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Stories for 04 October 2000

Departments take steps to implement chancellor's initiatives

Living with breast cancer
Campus colleagues share their personal stories

Campus breast health awarness campaign

University taps leading experts for Regents' Lecture program

Rare papyri collection gets new lease on life

Close Encounters
Scenes from the costume shop

Scientists to study conversion of methane to useful fuels


Alumni, parents, families come home to Cal October 15-18

UC Extension, Cal Performances launch artist residency program in San Francisco

Regular Features

News briefs

Research briefs

Campus Calendar


Masks for a musical

Costume shop

Senior Wardrobe Technician Janet Griffin Nakamura crafts a mask for the Center for Theater Arts' musical production of the Brecht classic, "The Caucasian Chalk Circle," which opens Oct. 6 at Zellerbach Playhouse. For a glimpse of the life in the costume shop, see "Close Encounters." Peg Skorpinski photo.

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