Communication tools
In choosing the best communication tools for your news, we'll consider the following ways of contacting the media:
Press release
Our traditional format for releasing news. The press release is usually a few pages in length, written as a news story, includes quotes from the source(s) and gives context to the news being reported. See this example.
Media advisory
A one-page alert that simply tells the media the "who, what, when and where" of an event. Advisories often are used to announce press conferences, research demonstrations, campus ceremonies and newsworthy lectures. See this example.
Experts lists
Media Relations keeps a running list of campus experts willing to speak to reporters on various issues. When new breaks, we e-mail information about specific experts to reporters. See this example. We also place lists of experts by topic in the Experts Directory at the UC Berkeley NewsCenter.
Press conference
Press conferences at UC Berkeley usually are reserved for major announcements, such as the naming of a new chancellor, a Nobel Prize, or a groundbreaking for a new building. See this example.
We often contact select reporters or TV producers by phone or e-mail to tip them off to a particular story idea or campus expert. A news tip also is used when reporters must be alerted quickly and there is no time for other forms of communication.
Video stories
Sometimes the best way to showcase your work is through video. In those instances, we can produce video stories of your research to post on the UC Berkeley NewsCenter and to distribute to broadcast news outlets. Since research often is conducted in the field, we encourage you to film your work on location. We can help edit the footage into a video story once you return. See this example.