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Carolyn Bertozzi Wins Prytanean Faculty Award

posted October 14, 1998

Carolyn Bertozzi, assistant professor of chemistry, has been honored with the Prytanean Faculty Award for 1998.

The $10,000 annual award was established in 1986 to recognize outstanding junior women faculty members at Berkeley and assist them in attaining tenure. It recognizes scholarly excellence, teaching and mentoring.

"I was shocked to receive the award because there are so many talented female faculty members at Berkeley," said Bertozzi, who will use the money to send her students to conferences.

Bertozzi received her undergraduate degree in chemistry from Harvard in 1988 and her doctorate in 1993 from Berkeley, where she worked with professor Mark Bednarski on the synthesis and biological activity of C-glycosides.

She did a post-doc in immunology at UCSF with professor Steven Rosen, returning to Berkeley in 1996 to join the chemistry faculty.

Bertozzi's current research focuses on enzymes that regulate the biological activity of glycoconjugates and on new methods for engineering the chemistry and biological recognition activity of cell surfaces. She teaches organic chemistry.

The Prytanean Society was founded at Berkeley in 1901 as the first women's academic honor organization in the U.S.

Application deadline for the 1999 Prytanean Faculty Award, which will be increased to $15,000, is Dec. 15. For information call 643-6663.


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