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Berkeley Financial System Goes Live

By By Kathleen Satz, BAI Communications Coordinator
Posted March 10, 1999

Pilot departments and central offices began using the new online Purchasing and Accounts Payable systems March 1. Following extensive software modification, user training and conversion of data from the old CAP/CPR systems, the pilot departments began creating purchase orders and approving payments; the central purchasing staff processed the requisitions and purchase orders; and the central disbursements staff processed invoices using the Berkeley Financial System (BFS).

A second group of pilot departments will begin using BFS March 22; remaining departments will be added in weekly intervals. Assuming the implementation of each new group goes smoothly, the project team expects the entire campus to be using the new systems by the end of the fiscal year (June 30).

New users who have received three days of training on the systems can get support from departmental coaches, reference materials, an email listserve and a help desk staffed by employees in purchasing, disbursements, and IST's Administrative Systems Department. As more departments begin using the system, the BFS team plans to elicit feedback on the current system, training and user support and possible improvements.

The next phase of BFS -- the new chart of accounts, general ledger and budget system -- is scheduled for implementation July 1, 2000 and can be introduced even more efficiently. In fall 2000, the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) will be implemented, allowing departments to process personnel transactions on line.

For information on the Berkeley Administrative Initiatives, which includes BFS and HRMS, see



March 10 - 16, 1999 (Volume 27, Number 26)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the
Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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