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Posted January 19, 2000

Three Honored by MIT Technology Review

Eric Brewer, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences; Joseph Hellerstein, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences; and Adam Arkin, assistant professor of bioengineering, were selected as part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's "Technology Review 100," honoring 100 young innovators who exemplify the spirit of innovation in science, technology and the arts.

In celebration of 100 years of publication, MIT's Technology Review published the list, selected by a panel of judges that included three Nobel Prize winners, presidents of two science and engineering schools, and the head of the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Brewer and Hellerstein were named in the software category and Arkin in the biotechnology category. Innovators were chosen for their accomplishments and their potential to make an impact in the future.

Stanley Berger and Philip Marcus

Stanley Berger, professor of mechanical engineering and bioengineering, has been elected vice-chair of the American Physical Society's division of fluid dynamics. The division has more than 1,500 fluid mechanicians from the U.S. and abroad as members. Berger will serve as vice-chairman during 2000, then chairman-elect in 2001, and chairman in 2002.

Also elected for a three-year term as member-at-large of the divison's excutive committee was Philip Marcus, professor of mechanical engineering.

Jeff Bokor and Joseph Kahn

Professors Jeff Bokor and Joseph Kahn, electrical engineering and computer sciences, have been named Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellows for 2000.

Bokor was honored for his "contributions to EUV optical lithography and deep-submicron MOSFETs," and Kahn for "contributions to optical communications systems." Fellows are elected based on their outstanding contributions to the electrical and electronics engineering profession

David Patterson

David Patterson, professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences, along with Stanford University Provost John Hennessy, received the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers John von Neumann Medal for 2000. The two were named "for creating a revolution in computer architecture through their exploration, popularization, and commercialization of architectural innovations."

The medal honors outstanding achievements in computer-related science and technology. It recognizes the honorees' work in developing reduced instruction set computing.

Patterson will also receive the 2000 James Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal for his "inspirational teaching through the development of creative curricula and teaching methodology, for important textbooks, and for effective integration of education and research missions." The Mulligan medal, formerly the Institute's Education Medal, recognizes the recipient's contributions to the vitality, imagination and leadership of the members of the engineering profession.

Patterson will receive his awards at the Institute's honors ceremony in Vancouver, British Columbia, in June 2000.

Per Peterson

Per Peterson, professor of muclear engineering and chairman of campus's Energy and Resources Group, received a 1999 Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award from the Fusion Power Associates. The awards are given to faculty early in their careers who have demonstrated outstanding technical accomplishment and potential to become influential leaders in the fusion field. Peterson received his award at the Fusion Power Associates Meeting and Symposium in Washington, D.C., in October.

Peterson also presented one of 12 invited papers at the National Academy of Engineering's Fifth Annual Symposium on Frontiers in Engineering in Irvine this fall. In a special session focused on energy and the environment, his paper, "The Future of Nuclear Energy," addressed current research areas with emphasis on application of nuclear fission and fusion to energy production.

The annual symposium brings together 100 young engineering researchers (invited in a competitive nomination and selection process) to learn about cutting-edge research and technical work in different engineering fields.

Alain-Sol Sznitman

The Department of Statistics has named Professor Alain-Sol Sznitman as the recipient of this year's Line and Michel Loeve International Prize in Probability.

The prize, created by the statistics department through the generosity of Mrs. Line Loeve, is given every other year to a probabilist under 45 years of age. The recipient is selected by an international committee.

Sznitman received the award at a Jan. 10 ceremony in Evans Hall.

Chang-Lin Tien

Chang-Lin Tien, university professor, former chancellor, and professor of mechanical cngineering, received the 1998 Heat Transfer Division Classic Paper Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

The award was for Tien's 1981 paper, co-written by Professor Kambiz Vafai of Ohio State University (a former student of Tien's), "Boundary and Inertia Effects of Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Media."

The award recognizes "those authors and their papers that have significantly contributed to technology and the science of heat transfer over the last 10 years." It was presented in November at the society's International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Congress in Nashville, Tenn.

Bruno Zumino

Bruno Zumino, professor of physics at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, was awarded the Gian Carlo Wick Gold Medal Award for his contributions to theoretical physics, including the CPT theorem and the discovery of the supersymmetric theory of elementary particles.

The selection committee is composed of physicists of the World Federation of Scientists. The medal was presented by Vanna Wick in Lausanne, Switzerland in October.


January 19 - 25, 2000 (Volume 28, Number 18)
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