

2000-2001 New Faculty

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Warren Sack
Assistant Professor of Information Management and Systems

B.A. Yale University '85
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology '00

Expertise: Computer-mediated communication; online communities; architecture and design for online spaces; social networks; computational linguistics; media studies.


Jacob Sagi
Assistant Professor of Business
B.S. University of Toronto; Canada '91
Ph.D. University of British Colombia; Canada '00

Expertise: The interaction between quality control and production; natural resources and foreign investment; option pricing.


Mark Seasholes
Assistant Professor of Business

B.A. Wesleyan University '90
Ph.D. Harvard University '00

Expertise: Stock trading around the world; emerging markets and cross-border investment flows; the effect of IMF and other supra-nationals on sovereign bond prices in emerging markets.

Noam Sobel
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology
B.A. Tel-Aviv University; Israel '95
Ph.D. Stanford University '99

Expertise: Chemical sensing in humans; the human olfactory and vomeronasal systems.

Norman Spaulding
Acting Professor of Law

B.A. Williams College '93
J.D. Stanford University '97

Expertise: Law and culture of group-based harms; ethical issues in the distribution of legal services.

Dan Stamper-Kurn
Assistant Professor of Physics

B.A. UC Berkeley '92
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology '00

Expertise: Experimental atomic and condensed-matter physics; the creation of novel microscopic and macroscopic quantum phenomena with ultra-cold atomic sources.


Ion Stoica
Acting Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

M.S. Polytechnic University; Bucharest '89
Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University '00

Expertise: Networking with an emphasis on Quality of Service and traffic management in the Internet; techniques and architectures that allow powerful and flexible network services to be deployed in the Internet.

Tyler Stovall
Professor of History

B.A. Harvard University '76
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin '84

Expertise: Modern French history; labor and working class issues as well as in French radical beliefs and practices.


Vivek Subramanian
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

B.S. Louisiana State University '94
Ph.D. Stanford University '98

Expertise: Semiconductor device physics and technology; low-cost electronics and display systems using organic semiconductors.


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