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Lectures Explore the Art of Raising Children posted September 23, 1998 CARE Services presents a brown bag lunch series for campus parents this fall. The workshops focus on developing and nurturing a child's resiliency and coping skills in a changing world. The lectures, which begin at 12:10 p.m. in Tang's Education Center, require no enrollment. Partners and spouses are welcome. Each 50-minute presentation, led by experienced counselors and specialists, is followed by an optional 30-minute question and answer period. The series begins Monday, Sept. 28, as Leah Statman covers the parenting of children between the ages of 2 and 8, emphasizing the importance of high self-esteem, personal values, responsibility, limit-setting and conflict resolution. The stress and responsibilities facing grandparents raising their grandchildren will be discussed by nationally-known expert and author Lenora Madison Monday, Oct. 5. On Monday, Oct. 19, Dianne Rush Woods addresses adopting and adoption issues, including the adoption process, the emotional impact for parents and children, and interracial and inter-country adoptions. Miriam Levine-Alcala talks about problems pre-teens face, including increasing independence and decision-making and changing societal expectations, Monday, Oct. 26. The series winds up with parenting issues for Hispanic/Latino parents Monday, Dec. 7, as Sandra Gomez explores the impact of culture on child-rearing, language and bilingualism and exposure to the majority culture. The parenting lectures series will continue Spring semester with topics covering step-mothers, African-American parents, parenting teenagers and handling spirited children. For more information, call 643-7754 or visit the Care
Services web site at www.uhs.berkeley.edu/FacStaff/CARE/
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