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UREP Field Research Proposals Sought posted September 23, 1998 Faculty and staff researchers are encouraged to apply for full or partial project funding through the University Research Expeditions Program (UREP) program. Deadlines for proposals are Oct. 7 for projects during June-October 1999, and April 6, 1999 for projects during Nov.1999-May 2000. Call regarding late proposals.UREP provides funds and field assistance to UC researchers worldwide. Research costs are subsidized through tax-deductible donations from individuals who also serve as short-term field assistants. Researchers can use UREP funds for short- or long-term field research, as seed money for new research, to extend continuing projects, supplement other grants and support graduate students or additional staff. Principal investigator status is not required for consideration. Graduate students may apply as independent field directors with the sponsorship of a faculty advisor, or may receive full or partial funding as assistants to a faculty member. Projects in any discipline that can incorporate UREP volunteer participation will be considered. Research projects involving specimen collection, excavation, interviewing, field observations, photography or surveying are particularly suited to UREP funding. Proposals are reviewed by UREP's multi-disciplinary advisory committee of UC faculty and researchers. Selection is based on the proposal's scientific merits and the feasibility of donor-participant involvement. For information contact University Research Expeditions
Program, University of California, Desk D06, Berkeley, CA
04720-7050, phone 510-642-6586, fax 510-642-6791, or email
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