Regular Features
News Briefs Staff Chat with the Chancellor Sept. 30 Chancellor Robert Berdahl will meet with staff on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at noon in Bechtel's Sibley Auditorium to discuss campus-related topics, including balancing work and life issues. He will then open up the session for questions and comments. This is Berdahl's second address to staff since arriving at Berkeley last year. The event was organized by Berkeley Staff Assembly (BSA), a staff organization open to all non-academic staff employees for a $15 yearly fee. In addition to a newsletter and e-mail announcements on staff-related issues, BSA membership provides an opportunity for staff to voice their opinion to campus administrators on policies, plans and programs affecting them. Members can join a number of sub-committees or seek nomination to the Coordinating Committee, which directs the overall work of the organization. During the past 20 years, BSA has helped establish the Career Development Handbook, the Staff Ombuds Office, the Staff Internship Program and Excellence in Management Awards. For more information, visit BSA's web site at http://bsa.berkeley.edu:4218. An incorrect date for this event was listed in last week's issue of Berkeleyan.
What's in a Name? Two campus administrators have new titles, effective Sept. 1. Ron Coley, hired last January as Executive Director -- Business and Administrative Services, is now Assistant Vice Chancellor -- Business and Administrative Services. Alison McGill, formerly Controller and Executive Director -- Financial and Business Services, is now Assistant Vice Chancellor -- Financial and Business Services and Controller.
Oct. 30 Deadline for R & D Conference Proposals Paper proposals for "R & D Investment and Economic Growth in the 20th Century, " a conference to be held at the Haas School of Business, March 26-28, 1999, are currently being accepted. Sponsored jointly by the All-UC Group in Economic History and campus' Center for Studies in Higher Education, the conference will provide a scholarly forum for presenting and discussing the past and future role of R & D investment in economic growth. Graduate students as well as faculty may submit proposals, no more than four pages, double-spaced. Graduate students should include a letter of endorsement from a faculty advisor. Submit proposals by email, or send four hard copies by Oct. 30 to John A. Douglass, Center for Studies in Higher Education, South Hall Annex, MC 4650, or email john.douglass@ucop.edu.
Tien to Chair Board of Asia Foundation Mechanical engineering professor and former chancellor Chang-Lin Tien was elected chair of the Asia Foundation board of trustees in August. "Chang-Lin Tien brings to this position a unique combination of leadership and expertise, as well as a genuine dedication to fostering long-term partnerships between the United States and Asia," said foundation president William Fuller. Tien has been at the forefront of efforts to enhance communications between East and West and promote democracy and freedom abroad. He serves on the boards of numerous corporations and chairs the San Francisco Bay Area Economic Forum. The Asia Foundation is a private, nongovernmental organization. It funds and operates projects promoting effective governance, open markets, strong nongovernmental sectors, increased women's political participation and peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region. Tien assumes his new role in January.
Discover the Power of Your Voice For years professionals have been told to "dress for success." But when you're called on to speak, even the most powerful "power suit" won't help if you fumble over your words. This fall, UC Berkeley Extension offers several courses designed to help people choose their words as effectively as they choose their outfits. "The Power of Your Voice" will meet Saturday, Sept. 26, at UC Extension Center, 55 Laguna St., San Francisco. The fee for the day-long course is $130. Other fall UC Berkeley Extension courses on speaking include "Speaking in Public without Fear," "Talking with Strangers: The Art of Conversaton," "Improving Your Speaking Voice" and "The Articulate Woman: Communications Skills with On-Camera Coaching." For details call (415) 252-5229. To enroll call 642-4111, or visit Extension's website and enroll online at www.berkeley.edu/unex.
Understanding Afghanistan "The Taliban Government in Af-ghanistan and World Politics" is the subject of a lecture Thursday, Oct. 2, at 4 p.m., 442 Stephens Hall. The lecture will be presented by Siddieq Noorzoy, professor emeritus of economics from University of Alberta and a research associate at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
Lost & Found Garage Sale, Auction Oct. 9-10 Find that "previously owned" oak table, typewriter, wristwatch, 10-speed bike, or file cabinet at Excess, Surplus and Salvage's annual Lost and Found Surplus auction, Saturday, Oct. 10. The annual Berkeley auction includes hundreds of unclaimed lost and found items as well as surplus campus office furniture and supplies. Most of the merchandise will be sold on a lot basis, with minimum bids established for some lots. On Friday, Oct. 9, an assortment of surplus items will be offered in a garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A preview of items to be auctioned Saturday will be held at the same time. Saturday's auction begins at 9 a.m. and lasts until 3 p.m. Bicycle sales will start shortly after noon. Cash or check, but no credit cards, will be accepted as payment. The garage sale and auction will be held in the Martinet Building, 1000 Folger St. in Berkeley, two blocks south of Ashby near San Pablo Ave. For information call 642-1186 or 642-5374.
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