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Obituaries Thalia Banis Thalia Banis, Administrative Assistant III in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, died Sept. 15 from cancer. She was 61. After joining the university in 1993, Banis was responsible for the Academic Senate's faculty awards committee, departmental performance reviews and event coordination. As word of Banis's event planning skills spread, she was often called by other units to help prepare for upcoming conferences and programs, among them the International USA/French Symposium in 1993 and the University in Transition Conference in 1997. Most recently, she was assisting the Geology Department with the GSA Cordilleran Sectional meeting, scheduled for 1999. Banis received a distinguished service award in 1993. Banis is survived by her husband Andrew Banis, sons Thomas and George, daughter-in-law Kristine, brother George Bezaitis and four grandchildren. Beyond campus, Banis was an active member of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension. Memorial gifts can be made to the Thalia Bezaitis Banis
Scholarship Fund, c/o Ascension Cathedral, 4700 Lincoln
Avenue, Oakland, CA. 94602.
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