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They're Slithery, Scaly, Venomous... And Utterly Fascinating posted September 30, 1998 Enter the realm of reptiles at the Lawrence Hall of Science, beginning Sunday Oct. 4, and come eye-to-eye with some of the world's most misunderstood creatures. Giant robotic and real-live reptiles, along with engaging activities and information stations, shed light on the evolution, diversity, anatomy and behavior of these slinky specimens. Reptiles have been on earth for more than 300 million years and were once so successful, they "ruled" the planet. Their stubborn survival skills have helped them flourish in many landscapes, from searing deserts to vast oceans. In addition to snakes, reptiles include turtles and tortoises, lizards, alligators, crocodiles and, amazingly, birds. The exhibit explores all these species. The robotic reptiles, some up to 36 feet long, mimic wild reptilian behavior in life-like settings and include a Nile Crocodile, Jackson's chameleon, alligator snapping turtle, western diamond rattlesnake and prehistoric creatures. A host of special activities are planned for opening day, starting at 10 a.m. The exhibit continues through Jan. 18, 1999. For information, call 642-5132 or visit the Lawrence Hall
of Science web site at www.lhs.berkeley.edu.
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