Lending a Helping Hand There's Still Time to Make a Pledge to the Campus's Charitable Campaign
By Jacquie Frost, Public Affairs The campus wooed Student Activities and Services Director Karen Kenney back to its annual Charitable Campaign by changing the terms of its contract with United Way. Through a special arrangement, 100 percent of the amount donated through the Charitable Campaign now goes directly to designated charities. "I'm back, happy and encouraging my staff to participate," says Kenney. A few years ago, Kenney quit giving through the Charitable Campaign because the United Way had stopped funding several of her favorite organizations. Today, she gives the bulk of her contributions to University YWCA. So far, 465 campus staff and faculty have made pledges, totaling approximately $173,023, for their favorite charitable organizations. That leaves $76,977 to meet campus's $250,000 goal. Faculty and staff may still contribute to any non-profit organization of their choice -- either in a single check or credit card payment, or through monthly payroll deductions that will begin the month after the pledge is submitted and will continue through December 1999. Carolyn Hughes, senior publications coordinator at University Relations, says she finds the Charitable Campaign convenient and rewarding. "I believe in giving food and giving shelter," says Hughes. "It's better than handing out spare change on the street. It adds up to a lot more than passing out a quarter here or there." A longtime contributor, Hughes gives to the Berkeley Pledge, Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity, Loaves and Fishes and Project Open Hand. "I think that more people should give," she says. "It doesn't have to be a lot. Even $10 a month goes a long way at a food bank." To make a pledge, complete the form sent this week via campus mail and send it to Larry Sautter, University Cashier, 140 University Hall, MC 1111. Forms are also available online. For information call 642-3734.