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Graduate Students Discredit Theory that Neanderthals Could Talk

When Theater and Math Coverge: Tom Stoppard Comes to Campus

Faculty Profile: Charles Altieri

Farewell, Professor Stefan Riesenfeld

Schell and Tien Discuss China's Future March 4

Ancient Kernel: Clue to Origins of Farming?

Protein Discovery Leads Researchers to New Suspect in Iron Anemia

More About: There Hath Been in Rome Strange Insurrections

Campus's Charitable Campaign Continues

Seven Campus Faculty Receive NSF Early Career Awards

Photo: Gypsy Caravan

Train for the HOME Team

Tamara Keith: Putting a Freeze on False Assumptions

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Campus Memos

Posted February 24, 1999

The following are the titles of memos recently mailed to deans, directors, department chairs and administrative officers on the chancellor's mailing lists. For copies, contact originating offices.

The full text of deans and directors memos is available online on the campus's web site. Visit the Campus Administrative Memos section.

Direct questions about memos to Sue Wingerson, 642-3100, or email to

Feb. 9. Excellence in Management Awards Ceremony May 13, from Horace Mitchell, vice chancellor -- business and administrative services.

Feb. 11. Campus's Policy Regarding Course Notes and Recording and Commercial Note Taking Services, from Carol Christ, executive vice chancellor and provost.

Feb. 16. Comments Invited [March 16 deadline] on Proposed Revisions to APM 710-20-a and 710-20-b (Sick Leave); 715-0 (Family and Medical Leave); 760-0, 760-27-a, 760-28-a (Childbearing Leave, Parental Leave and Active Service-Modified Duties), from Nicholas Jewell, vice provost.

Feb. 16. Office of the President Proposes the Addition of Step IX to the Professional Salary Scales [comments deadline is March 24], from Nicholas Jewell, vice provost.


February 24 - March 2, 1999 (Volume 27, Number 24)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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