Staff Enrichment
Posted February 24, 1999
For more information or to enroll, call 643-7754.
On Parenting: A Brown-Bag Series for Parents: Parenting Issues for Step-Mothers
March 8, 12:10-1:30 p.m.
Common challenges and opportunities for step-mothers, including strategies for creating positive expectations, relating with ex-spouses, addressing potential hostility, "blending" families and setting constructive limits.
Dealing with Difficult Situations and Behaviors in the Workplace
March 12, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Co-sponsored by the Staff Ombuds Office, this workshop will help participants learn ways to constructively analyze and deal with problematic situations, people and personal styles. For information or to enroll, call 642-7823.

For information or to enroll, call 643-4646.
Menopause Discussion
March 9, 12:10-1 p.m.
Class of '42 Room, Tang Center
No enrollment necessary. This class offers an opportunity for discussion with a CARE counselor and is open to all interested women.
"Thyme" for an Herb Garden
Mar. 11, 12:10-1 p.m.
Learn how to plant herbs in a container or garden and discover delicious ways to use them for healthy cooking.
For information on health-related workshops and events for faculty and staff, see www.uhs.berkeley.edu/FacStaff.

Business Writing Workshop Series
A series of four workshops designed to make your writing process more efficient, effective and professional. The first workshop is April 21. For information call 642-8134 or refer to page 79-80 of the EDT catalog.
Flexible Work Arrangements and Telecommuting
March 10, 9 -11:30 a.m., Tang Center, Section Club room
This workshop will answer questions about setting, choosing and managing different work arrangements. For information call Employee Relations at 643-8996.

To enroll in any of the following three workshops, fax the workshop enrollment form on page 82 of the EDT catalog to 642-2888 or call 642-8134.
New Employee Orientation
The March 2 new employee orientation has been canceled. The next session will be March 16.
Tools of the Trade: Resume Development & Interview Strategies
March 16, 23 and 30
Strategies for marketing oneself to a prospective employer.
Time Management
Tips and techniques for prioritizing work tasks and using planners and calendars.

February 24 - March 2, 1999 (Volume 27, Number 24)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
Comments? E-mail berkeleyan@pa.urel.berkeley.edu.