Regular Features
Center for Western European Studies: What it Does posted November 4, 1998 Founded in 1987, CWES is a unit of International and Area Studies (IAS) that coordinates research programs covering Finland, France, Catalonia, Italy, Portugal and Spain. To some extent, its interests overlap the Center for German and European Studies (CGES), also part of IAS. "It's important that the CWES-CGES relationship be positive, cooperative, and synergistic," says Steven Weber, newly appointed CWES chair. "That's one of my main goals." Suzanne Ryan, the new CWES executive director, also emphasizes the center's close working relationship with the Center for Slavic and East European Studies. Besides its programs funded by foreign governments and foundations, CWES sponsors colloquia, lectures, fellowships, proseminars, symposia, teacher training workshops and student associations with Title VI funds from the U.S. Department of Education. The Migration and Autonomy Colloquium, for example, presents research by Berkeley faculty and visiting scholars on the social, political and legal status of immigrants within and across the nations of Western Europe. The biennial Peder Sather Symposium, co-sponsored with the Norwegian and Swedish governments, gives Scandinavian and American scholars and policy-makers a chance to address international issues of mutual concern. This spring CWES and the Townsend Center for Humanities will co-sponsor a major symposium on the future of European studies. Curricula developed in CWES teacher workshops are distributed nationally. Most popular are those on the French Revolution and the European Union. CWES also awards fellowships for the study of modern
European languages and supports the Berkeley Language
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