Regular Features
Two Management Positions Open to Campus Candidates posted November 4, 1998 Associate Vice Chancellor - Capital
Projects (MSP VI) The associate vice chancellor - capital projects will provide operational management for the Planning, Design, and Construction department. Serve as campus architect, campus building official, and historic preservation officer. Manage all processes of physical, environmental, and community planning, building assessment, facility renewal and replacement, major and minor capital projects, and asset management, including accounting and contract administration. Assist the vice chancellor - capital projects with developing campus master plan and the implementation of the SAFER program. Required qualifications: Current architectural license with state of California. Advanced academic preparation and significant experience in managing the planning and design of major facilities. Knowledge of capital programming methods and proceduresfor large educational institutions. Ability to relate and apply technical knowledge of engineering and architecture to the needs and special demands of the academic environment. Knowledge of or familiarity with appropriate laws, regulations, and codes affecting capital project work in the State of California. Demonstrated ability to work in a diverse community, and commitment to diversity in the work setting. To apply: Nomination letters invited. Submit letter of application, resume, and the name of 3 current references to Karen Burke-Johnson, Box 09-800-80, University of California, 207 University Hall #3540, Berkeley, CA 94720-3540, or use applyucb@uclink.berkeley.edu.
Director: Office of Planning &
Analysis (MSP V) The director: office of planning and analysis will assume responsibility for the support and maintenance of the campus academic planning process and for the coordination, review, and analysis of planning efforts of the campus's schools and colleges (approximately 80 departments of instruction, 40 organized research units, 1400 faculty, and 30,000 students). Represent the campus on academic planning and institutional research activities. Facilitate identification and definition of issues and challenges facing the campus, and provide planning oversight for all the schools, colleges, and academic support units on the Berkeley campus. Required qualifications: Planning experience at a higher education institution. Strong quantitative analysis and oral/written communication skills. Middle to senior level management experience. Preferred qualifications: Masters degree or equivalent. For complete job description, call (510) 642-4621, or visit the Office's website at www.chance.berkeley.edu/planning/.
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