Regular Features
Staff Enrichment
Employee Development and Training For information call 642-8134. Follow your department training guidelines before signing up for classes. "Get to the Bottom Line: Conducting Targeted Recruitment" has been canceled, as has the November series on "Correctness In Writing." The Spring writing series is March 1-18. This class fills quickly so register now. Business Writing Workshop 3,"E-Mail-Effective Use and Etiquette" begins Nov. 11. Workshop 4 of the same series, "Persuasive Writing for Promotion and Marketing," begins Nov. 18. The team building workshop, "Group Leadership: Tools for Building Effective Workgroups," begins Nov. 19. New Employee Orientation "Tools of the Trade: Resume Development and Interview
CARE Services Dealing with Difficult Situations and Behaviors in the
Workplace Elder Care Series Family Relationships and Parent
Health*Matters For information or to enroll call 643-4646. Mediterranean Meals Made Fresh and Fast Computer Health Matters Adult CPR For information on health-related workshops and events
for faculty and staff, see www.uhs.berkeley.edu/FacStaff.
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