Regular Features
Campus Memos The following are titles of memos recently mailed to deans, directors, department chairs and administrative officers on the chancellor's mailing lists. For copies, contact originating offices. The full text of deans and directors memos is available online on the campus's web site. From the campus home page, www.berkeley.edu, select "For Faculty and Staff." At the faculty and staff page, select "Campus Administrative Memos." Direct questions about memos to Sue Wingerson, 642-3100, or email sgw@uclink4.berkeley.edu. Oct. 23. 1998-99 Holiday Energy Curtailment, from Horace Mitchell, vice chancellor -- business and administrative services. Oct. 26. Changes to Policy Governing Entertainment, from Alison McGill, assistant vice chancellor -- financial and business services and controller. Oct. 26. Planning Design and Construction's Overview and Project Profiles, from Edward Denton, AIA, vice chancellor -- capital projects. Oct. 29. Distribution of the Departmental
Administration Component of the Annual Increment in Overhead
Returned to the Campus, from Chancellor Berdahl.
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