Regular Features
Reunions Raise $2 Million by Jose Rodriguez,
Development Communications Class reunions this fall inspired alumni to do more than renew old ties. The events also led to a windfall of nearly $2 million in gifts to the campus. Nine classes raised $1,905,000, which is a campus record for reunion fundraising. Some drives are still in progress. The funds will support a variety of programs to benefit students and faculty. Among them is the unrestricted Chancellor's Millennium Fund, one of the university's highest priorities, according to Lishelle Blakemore, director of annual programs. The gifts were delivered to Chancellor Robert Berdahl at the recent Homecoming, Reunion and Parents Weekend, Sept. 24-26. "These gifts are by individuals, many of whom have been away from the UC Berkeley campus for years, who still see a connection to the university and to our mission," said interim Vice Chancellor for University Relations John Cash. "It's a very moving statement of support for what we're doing here and one of faith in the future. Alumni giving is well on its way toward becoming a new Cal tradition." Leading the giving was the Class of 1948, which
celebrated its 50th reunion. The Class of '48 created the
first Oski mascot, Straw Hat Band and UC Men's octet -- Cal
traditions still in place today.
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