Awards Posted April 7, 1999 John Clarke
Physics Professor John Clarke will receive the Comstock Prize in Physics from the National Academy of Sciences at its April 26 annual meeting. Clark is being honored for his development of superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDS), which are used for scientific measurements involving electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The prize carries a $20,000 purse. Eugene Haller, professor of material science mineral engineering, is the 1999 co-recipient of the James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials endowed by International Business Machine, from the American Physical Society. The prize was established to "recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in the science and application of new materials."
Haller was named for research with isotopically controlled semiconductors, including silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide and gallium phosphide.
Michael Neuman, a lecturer in city and regional planning, is the recipient of the 1998 Best Feature Award from the Journal of the American Planning Association. Neuman was cited for his article "Does Planning Need the Plan?" He will be honored April 27.
Professor of History Tulio Halperin-Donghi has received the 1998 Award for Scholarly Distinction from the American Historical Association. Halperin-Donghi was among 24 scholars to be named by the association for excellence in teaching or writing about history.
Among the newest elected members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science are six Berkeley professors and an associate dean. They are Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology Alexander Glazer; Professor of Environmental Science, Policy and Management Robert Lane; Professor of Public Health Lee Riley, Associate Dean of the School of Public Health Richard Stephens; Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology Jeremy Thorner; Professor of Plant and Microbial Biology Loy Volkman; and Professor of Neurobiology Robert S. Zucker. Five Berkeley professors have been chosen to be 1999 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellows. They are Douglas Gin, assistant professor of chemistry; Steven McCanne, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science; Ilya Segal, assistant professor of economics; Frederic Theunissen, assistant professor of psychology; and William Holzapfel, assistant professor of physics. Each fellow receives a $35,000 grant for a two-year period.