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Posted April 7, 1999

Berkeley's Affirmative Action History on Display at Doe

A unique exhibit at Doe Library, currently on display through April 19, chronicles the defining moments of affirmative action at Berkeley -- among them the first African American student on campus, the Third World Strike that lead to the establishment of the ethnic studies department, and affirmative action demonstrations by students and faculty.

Using photos, yearbooks, official documents and other materials, the show follows Berkeley's transformation from a campus populated primarily by white students through the emergence of ethnic awareness in the 1960s and '70s, the subsequent increase in minority enrollment and more recent battles over Proposition 209.

Located on the first floor of Doe Library, the exhibit and can be viewed Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. For information, call 643-8666.

Wurster Showcases Art, Films by CED Staff

"Art: The Staff of Life -- Staff: The Art of Life" is an exhibit of artwork by staff of the College of Environmental Design, on display in 106 Wurster Hall through April 17, from 1 to 4 p.m. weekdays.

The exhibit includes paintings, pastels, photography, jewelry, woodworking, sculpture, mosaics, furniture, upholstery, food art, prints and textiles.

CED is also showcasing two short films by Claire Dannenbaum, a library assistant in the Architecture Slide Library, Thursday, April 15 at 7 p.m. in 112 Wurster.

The films are "Hajj," which explores rural Turkish and Kurdish women's lives and notions of domestic power, and "The Pupil of Her Hand in the Palm of her Eye," an elusive portrait of the evil eye in Morocco. The screening is free and open to the public.

Summer Sessions Offers Senior Audit Card

Inquiring minds 55 and older are invited to audit Berkeley Summer Sessions courses for a modest $25.

Offered to the public this year for the first time, the senior audit card will allow seniors to sit in on about 160 courses. Not included are lab sciences, foreign languages and courses with limited enrollments. Courses recommended for seniors are identified in the summer catalog with an "S."

Auditing is available to anyone in the summer for $325, so the senior audit card represents a $300 discount.

For information, call 642-9301 or see

Undergrad Research Apprenticeships Due April 19

Monday, April 19th is the last day for faculty to submit an Undergraduate Research Apprentice proposal for fall 1999. Those who submit an application by that day will have their projects publicized in the fall URAP brochure (and web page) available to students the last week of classes. Faculty select their own undergraduate apprentices from among applications submitted to the program at the start of the spring term. Apprentices commit 3 to 12 hours per week to a project.

This year nearly 150 faculty mentored undergraduate researchers in projects ranging from lab experiments and field work to archival work and data analysis. In exchange for their time and attention, faculty in this program receive capable assistance on their research projects and a small grant to cover research expenses. Students receive valuable experience, a greater appreciation for the life of research, and in most cases, academic credit.

Applications were sent to all active ladder faculty in late March. For an application or information, call Terry Strathman at 642-3795 or email

Training Helps Make Business Travel Easier

Two training sessions for the new UCB Travel and Online Booking system are being offered Wednesday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 28, both beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Haas School of Business.

The new system allows campus travelers to price and book their air, car and hotel arrangements online.

The training sessions will give participants hands-on experience using the new system and will cover such topics as Berkeley travel policies, the UCB Travel web site, the corporate Diners Club charge card program and travel forms.

To register, call 642-0438.

Civilian Complaints Process: Comments Due April 22

The campus Police Review Board has completed the first phase of its review of procedures for handling civilian complaints against officers of the UC Police Department.

Based on its findings, the Board has formulated tentative recommendations for reform, including an expansion of the Board's jurisdiction, procedural changes designed to increase its independence, and new public meeting and reporting requirements relating to police-civilian encounters.

The Board welcomes comments from individuals and organizations on the proposed reforms, and expects to consider such comments closely in formulating final recommendations to be forwarded to the campus administration by the end of spring semester.

To obtain a copy of the tentative recommendations, contact Lillian Brock, 200 California Hall, MC1500, or email Comments should be forwarded to Brock, in writing or by email, no later than Thursday, April 22.

Electrical Engineering Alum Lectures April 12

Berkeley alumnus Kevin Kornegay, a professor in Cornell University's School of Electrical Engineering, will speak on "Berkeley and Beyond" to an audience of engineering undergraduate and graduate students April 12 at 6 p.m.

Scheduled to take place in the Wozniak Lounge of Soda Hall, the event is sponsored by the EECS Center for Undergraduate Matters, the College of Engineering's CUES Office, and the Black Graduate Engineering and Science Students.

Career Week: Explore Job, Education Options

Independent filmmaker Saul Zaentz, producer of Oscar-winning films "The English Patient," "Amadeus" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," is the keynote speaker for the Career Center's annual week-long career fair, beginning April 12.

Zaentz will present film clips, talk about the film industry and answer questions Wednesday, April 14 at 4:30 p.m. in the Bechtel Engineering Center's Sibley Auditorium.

During Career Week, experts in the field will present more than 50 programs, offering tips on navigating today's competitive job market, examining career options and exploring educational opportunities. The event includes workshops on such topics as entertainment careers, teaching overseas, preparing for medical school and working for non-profit organizations.

A complete schedule of events is available at the Career Center, 2111 Bancroft Way, or on the web at An information tent will be set up on Sproul Plaza throughout the week.

The event is open to students, faculty, staff and alumni. For information, call 642-3312.


April 7 - 13, 1999 (Volume 27, Number 29)
Copyright 1999, The Regents of the University of California.
Produced and maintained by the Office of Public Affairs at UC Berkeley.
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