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 Stories for May 6, 1998:

Regular Features:

Kos to Coordinate BAI Training Program

by Kathleen Phillips Satz, Communications Coordinator, Berkeley Administrative Initiatives
posted May. 6, 1998

Berkeley Administrative Initiatives (BAI) Training Coordinator Ron Kos arrived on campus in late April, and has begun work on a compreshensive training program for the Berkeley Financial system and Human Resources Management System.

BAI, Berkeley’s new financial system and human resources management system, will begin to be implemented in January 1999.

Kos recently described the BAI training process he envisions for campus.

“Our goal for the BAI training is to provide a learning experience that positions everyone to succeed,” he said. “The training program will be about managing change, bridging functional processes to the new systems and providing staff with knowledge and information that will support their successful transition to the new system.”

As manager of accounts payable at UCSF, Kos was involved with implementation and campus training for UCSF’s new financial system.

At Berkeley, he said, “we need a series of training exposures. What worked at UCSF was a pre-training orientation, hands-on training and follow-up training to reaffirm what was learned and build the knowledge to a higher level.”

Kos will work with the senior management implementation team and the BAI training committee, in consultation with project staff and campus users of Berkeley’s new systems, to implement campus training.

“One of the first things I want to do, besides talking with the project managers and team,” he said, “is to talk with the managers and staff who will use the systems, so I can identify their concerns, interests and preferences in training approaches. I want to tune into the Berkeley culture and understand what works best here.”

Ron Kos can be reached at rkos@uclink4, and via the BAI web site at

For information on the BAI implementation schedule, see “BAI Implementation Starts January ’99.”

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