Chancellor's Staff Advisory Group Seeks New Members Posted September 22, 1999 The Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee is recruiting new members to serve three-year terms beginning Jan. 2000. The application process will be open through Nov. 1. The committe includes staff from each control unit and staff employee program. As a confidential committee, it advises the chancellor and administration on non-bargainable staff issues and provides staff input during the policy formulation and implementation process. The committee has been instrumental in establishing the Staff Ombuds Office, the Staff Internship Program, Staff Appreciation Day, the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards and a continuing series of open forums for staff to meetcampus administrators and discuss topics and events that affect the campus. Committee members are appointed to three-year terms. The minimum time commitment is two hours every other week for a meeting of the full committee. Subcommittee work and specific assignments require additional personal time. Release time for committee work is allowed. Staff are invited to attend one of several brown bag information sessions, to be held at noon, Oct. 14, 15 and 18. For information or electronic copies of the application form, see campus.chance.berkeley.edu/csac/recuit.html, or contact Abram Hardin at hardin@physics or 642-2241, or Margaret Baker at margaret@socrates.berkeley.edu or 642-5601.